My Layouts

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Love is in the air?

Hi all,
Pages weren't flowing today. I must have started at least 4 different ones, just to delete them all. Oh well. I decided to get a start on some word art for Valentine's day. The first overlay is an oldie, but I love the quote on it. So I thought I'd go ahead and share it again. Kind of a re-release. I love quotes. And I love word art. I really wish I did it better, but everyone starts somewhere. So here are a few new quotes I've found. If worse comes to worse, download em and rework them to fit your layout. I've done that enough times in my life.

Download the overlay here. Download the word art here.

Who knows, maybe by giving I'll find the missing mojo. Hope you're enjoying your weekend. Check back for more word art.

More Blogthings

Too funny, share with me your results.

Your Are a Bold Brunette

Men see you as striking and mysterious - you have a certain allure.

Comfortable in your own skin, you know you have a unique beauty.

You don't mind attention, but you don't need to seek it out.

You Are Brigitte Bardot

Naturally sensual and beautiful

You're an exotic beauty who turns heads everywhere

You've got a look that's one of a kind

Subliminal messages on CD's

The New Year always brings all sorts of new resolutions. Have yours fallen short already? Maybe it's not your fault. It's hard to rewire your brain to achieve different results. Why not try using subliminal messages? Retrain your brain during your sleep. All you have to do is listen to the relaxing CD. Visit to check out their vast library of Cd's and MP3s available. Want to improve your memory or get motivated? Or maybe you want to stop smoking or lose weight? Try one of these money back guaranteed Cd's from self development guru Bradley Thompson and change your life forever.

Somehow this doesn't surprise me one bit. The 80's were my glory years.

You Belong in 1984

Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.

Friday, January 11, 2008

What if you could change your life with the help of your computer?

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? Would you try to quit smoking, lose weight, conquer a fear of public speaking, build self confidence? What would you change if you could with little effort? You should check out this web site; and the software they offer. They offer a software you can load into your computer that will flash subliminal message across your computer screen. So how does it work? subliminal messages are positive affirmations sent to the subconscious mind, bypassing the conscious mind. Subliminal Power works by flashing positive affirmations around your computer screen while you work. The messages are unobtrusive and , you probably won't even notice them. But the subconscious does. It soaks up every single message and helps power your mind to making the changes you want in your life. How easy is that? Definitely worth trying to help you achieve those New Year resolutions and lifestyle changes you want to make in your life.

A lil bit of naughty humor

A chicken farmer went to a local bar, sat next to a woman, and ordered a glass of champagne.

The woman perks up and says, "How about that? I just ordered a glass of champagne, too!"

"What a coincidence," he said, "This is a special day for me, I'm celebrating."

"This is a special day for me, too, and I'm also celebrating!," says the woman.

"What a coincidence," says the man. As they clinked glasses he asked, "what are you celebrating?"

"My husband and I have been trying to have a child, and today my gynecologist told me I'm pregnant!"

"What a coincidence," says the man. "I'm a chicken farmer. For years all my hens were infertile, but today they're finally laying fertilized eggs."

"That's great!" says the woman, "How did your chickens become fertile?"

"I switched cocks," he replied.

She smiled and said, "What a coincidence!"

Who's your movie star boyfriend??

Who's You're Movie Star Boyfriend?
A little Depp'll do ya indeed, no? Rebel with a clue Johnny Depp is sexy no matter what the role he's playing, no matter what the hair and facial fur situation and no matter what wacky ensembles he puts on his bod. In fact, his looks are often as unconventional as some of his movie roles, and thank God for that... The only thing predictable about him: that he's likely to be unpredictable, and we're often in awe of just how his creative mind works (the incredibly detailed creation of his Captain Jack Sparrow character from Pirates of the Caribbean, for example). On the other hand, he tempers some of that off the beaten path behavior with a devotion to his family and friends that is unshakeable; the man admits enjoys playing with Barbies with his daughter! That is so hot.
Not who I thought it would be. Who did you come up with?

Human Touch Massage Chairs, a bit of heaven.

After sitting in a rolling chair all day at work, this sounds like just a bit of heaven. What I wouldn't give to have one of these Human TouchMassage Chairs. The patented technology is so close to therapeutic massage techniques it is approved by the American College of Chiropractic Orthopedists. There are varied settings on this massage chair that will closely resemble an actual massage; compression, kneading, rolling, percussion, calf and foot massage. And it's controls allow you to choose the intensity and location of the massage. The HT-7450 even is a zero gravity chair. Basically meaning the chair reclines your legs above your heart which relaxes your spine, increasing blood circulation and puts your body in a state of perfect posture to achieve the maximum results from the massage. Doesn't it just sound heavenly? What would you give for a half hour in a Human Touch Massage Chair? Go to the website and one could be yours.

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Nothing new here so just a short note for my regular readers. THANK YOU!!!!!

Enjoy yourselves this weekend.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Short post today

Not much going on here again today. Just a reminder about the OAKS sale. Faith True, Victoria Feemster, Sara Ellis & Doreen Stolz have their entire stores on sale. Other great sales to be had. Top by and check it out. Also keep an eye out for a new store opening that Heather will be selling at, Purple Paper Flower. As soon as I have the grand opening date, I'll let you all know.

A Blond Explains Football.
A guy took his blond girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team's bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience. 'Oh, I really liked it,' she replied, 'especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over like 25 cents.' Dumbfounded, her date asked, 'What do you mean?' 'Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was: 'Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!' I'm like...Helloooooo? It's only 25 cents!!!!'

Humor for today provided by da Wench, Kristine. Stop by her forum and say hi. Until next time, scrap happy.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Blog Quizes

Are you addicted to blog quizes like I am? I'm always looking for new sites for them and this one has a new quiz and badge section. Find out your chances of living to be 100. Find out if your blog is "family friendly". Post a badge of support for your political canadate. If you are looking for a change from blogthings to find quizes that have substance, pop in and check out the quizes here.

47%Living to 100 Years Old

Cash for Structured Settlement

blog quizzes

structured settlements

Structured Settlements

Trippin through thoughts in my mind

I wasn't gonna post today, didn't think that I had anything to say. (But I didn't want my friends to pop in and only see ads) So I started thinking about 2 threads I read at DST yesterday. They really got me thinking. The first one I posted a response in and the second I didn't. The one I posted really got me thinking. Here's the link. Basically it was about CT layouts and if the scrappers use the products their designers are given on layouts that will eventually go into an album or be printed. I refuse to believe that I am the only scrapper who doesn't necessarily scrap for albums with my CT products. With the number of stock photos I see in various galleries and forums I think that I just may have been the only person to respond to that thread. But the response by some in that thread really irked me. The other thread was much more positive in my mind and how I respond to it. Here's that link. It's about what you may plan to do differently this year with scrapping. Scrapping resolutions perhaps. And a lot of the responses by other people really got me to thinking. With the closure of the forum & gallery over at OAKS, a lot of my layouts disappeared and are not in other galleries. I was/am posting to galleries to receive validation of my abilities. I crave comments and am often disappointed when there are none (DST) or few. I need to learn to scrap for me. Make my opinion the only one that counts. To scrap with more focus, with a purpose per se. Like my Christmas book. To organize and use what I have instead of constantly getting more and more and more. So I guess that only the CT layouts will go into the galleries. I'm also going to resign some of my CT positions. (No not you Heather!) Maybe I can get to what the spirit of scrapping is all about.

Ok, since I've been all over the place today, I'll say scrap happy and see you tomorrow. Don't forget about the sales over at OAKS.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Lost another file? Recover deleted files easily.

Are you like me and try to keep your hard drive clean so you can continue to upload new products and other scrapping files. Have you ever deleted a file and didn't realize what you had done until it was too late. Have you ever have a virus and lost files? Don't you wish there was a magic wand you could wave and get everything back again? Well there is. Check out this site and the File Saver software. This software will help recover deleted files. If it can be deleted you can undelete it just as easily with this software. You should really go check this site out. I'm certainly glad I did.

I love blogthings

You Are 80% Addicted to the Internet

In your opinion, life without the internet is hardly worth living.

Could be, but you probably need a bit more fresh air and sunshine to think clearly.

Your IQ Is 105

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average

Your General Knowledge is Exceptional

A heavy heart

Aye, say it isn't so. I'm heartbroken today. It's not so much that LSU won, it's that we really beat ourselves. There is no way you can win a game of this caliber when you turn the ball over (interceptions) 3 times and you have stupid, stupid penalties, especially a roughing the kicker. I really feel sorry for that player, I think he'll always be known as the kid who lost the game for us. It was a big momentum shift. It's just hard to go through this 2 years in a row. Yeah I know that there are bigger things going on in the world. I'm just gonna cry in my beer for a minute more.

Ok, back to reality. It got up to 70 degrees here yesterday. That hot in the Midwest in January is never good. (I loved it, but it's messin with my sinuses.) I read a brief article about the tornadoes in the Midwest last night. Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinios. I know that we have a lot of scrapping friends in the Midwest. I pray that everyone is safe. It's so hard to believe tornadoes in January. Global Warming my friends. We need to take care of Mother Earth before we cause her to turn on us. (My political rant for today).

And lastly, just wanted to let you know that even though OAKS forum and gallery are gone, the store is still open until January 31st. Right now some of the designers, such as Sara Ellis and Doreen Stolz have a lot of their store on sale, some up to 75% off. So if you have that little bit of scrappin budget you want to go a long way, stop by OAKS and check out what's on sale. I expect to hear more about other designers putting their stuff on sale soon, so check back often.

Have a good day all. I'm off to work. It's supposed to be warm here again today and then bam! snow on Thursday. Only 1 more week til American Idol starts. I love watching the train wreck, I mean audition shows. And only a few more weeks til LOST. I miss Sawyer!

Scrap happy ya'll.

Password recovery software for Excel

Are you like me and have tons of passwords for your different programs? It's really bad at work, because each system has to have a password and they all have to be different. I am constantly having to have IT reset them because I can't remember them. I found this site that offers this great software called Password Studio. In an instant it can recover your Access, Excel or Word password for either the program or the file itself if it is password protected. It would be fabulous for small business owners and those people like myself who often forget the new password that they have to get every 90 days. So stop by and check out this site if you are in the need for great software to assist you with Excel password recovery .

Fun Blogthings

Your Psyche is Yellow

You have a ton of energy - both physical and mental endurance.

You are rational and logical, and you can help almost anyone think clearly.

Optimistic and bright, you also have a secret side that's a little darker.

When you are too yellow: You will do anything to get your way, and no one will be the wiser

When you don't have enough yellow: you lack confidence, drive, and humor

And this one just for you Heather. hehehe

Your Political Profile:

Overall: 35% Conservative, 65% Liberal

Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

This one really surprised me. I always figured myself more liberal on all aspects of politics.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Healthier life through subliminal cds

So you know I quit smoking in November. Cold turkey. Just up and quit. And it was hard too and still is. Psychologically speaking I constantly crave the cigarette. But I am winning that battle. Now the battle of the bulge, that's another story. You can't go cold turkey on food. And my eating habits are also heavily psychological; I eat when I'm bored, depressed, stressed etc... So I thought I'd check into attempting to change my Psyche as well as my eating habits. I found this site, and it has some really good subliminal topics. I really liked what it had to say about losing weight. Here are some of the affirmations that are under this topic: "I enjoy eating healthy food.I eat a healthy diet,People admire my slimmer look,I love losing weight,I eat foods that are good for me,I love my body,I respect my body". The other CD that caught my eye is Self Esteem Booster. I so have self esteem problems in just about every area of my life. Look at the affirmations under this topic; "I believe in myself,I am worthwhile,I value myself,Others look up to me, I have a positive outlook,I am self-confident." I think that a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise and subliminal messages might just be the right mix to lead me down a healthier, happier life.

The GAME!!!! Go Bucks!

(football rant, feel free to skip to layouts)

Well, it's finally here. I've avoided adding to the media hype by not mentioning it since last Wed. The National Championship Game. The Big One, the dance, football at it's finest. You can't be a Buckeye scrapper without mentioning it. You really can't live in central Ohio (I'll let you pass Barb, since your down in Cinci) and not be proud of our team. No, it's not tarnished by the fact that a lot of people say we got there by default. Yes, we lost 1 game this year, but we are playing the first 2 loss team to EVER make it to the National Championship. We got there by having the #1 Defense in the nation. We got there by having one of the BEST running backs in the nation. We got there by having a Coach who has an amazing record of 73 wins and only 15 losses in 7 years with a National Championship his 2nd year coaching. We have motivation. Losing is often a key motivator. 41-14 is not a number that the Buckeyes are proud of, but it may just be enough to help seek redemption. WE ARE OHIO STATE!!! GO BUCKS!!!!

So here's another page for the Christmas book. It about the matching shirts I got the girls. This is Flerg's collab kit with JanaM Caramel Pudding. I am so loving Andrea Gold's templates for this shutterfly book. I really am not sure if I could have done it without them as I am usually an 8 X 8 square scrapper. Trying to spread my wings?
Here's another one. I'm not sure if I'll actually put it in the book. Christmas just wasn't the same without Dad. But we all know that he was there in spirit and in the laughter of those 2 little girls who share his blood. I'll probably talk it over with my SIL to see if I should include it. I don't want to upset my Mom. She's having a tough time still.
Ok, sorry to bring you all down. Well, it is Monday after all so for some of us, it's that yucky back to work time. Today won't be too bad, the old lady's off (yeah) and it's gonna be 65 degrees today. So I'll most likely open up the doors and air the office out. We did that with the house yesterday and what an improvement. Unfortunately it's gonna be back in the low 30's by the weekend with snow. Just what my sinuses need. Enjoy your day! Scrap Happy.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wasted weekend

I don't know where my Saturday went. It started out great, I got on the computer, shut off all communication (Hello, Explorer) and got 2 layouts done. Then the day got derailed and taken over by my past and some insanity. We have a cable channel that shows nothing but reality shows. I spent the entire day yesterday (with short breaks) watch a marathon on an old reality show called The Restaurant With that celeb cook Rocco DiSpirito (who I really don't like anyway as celeb cooks go). I just got sucked in and that's all she wrote. I think that it goes back to my 10 years of waiting tables and tending bar. I must have helped open 6-8 restaurants over the years. You know when they build a new one, every one's new and it's quite often a disaster for several weeks until everyone gets on the same page. But nothing like the drama in this tv show. Sheesh! Well I guess I never opened one in NYC and the most famous was a TGIFriday's. I can be a reality show junkie. I am so looking forward to a new season of Idol, Big Brother and not sure when it's starting back up, but I love Top Chef.

So here are two of the lo's that I had gotten done Before my tv invasion of the body snatchers.
The first one I was gonna try to combine 2 challenges that I had to do, but I don't think I made it dorkie enough for Kristine's forum challenge.
That's my man Shan in his Guitar Hero mode. He's really addicted to this game. He's stuck on the last series of songs on the medium level. I've done a few of the medium, but I don't like having to use my pinky finger, so I'm going back to try to get 100% on the songs I love. I only missed 2 notes on Alice Cooper's Schools Out, which I did during one of those breaks yesterday. I'm only slightly addicted. My nephew said he's on the high level and it only took him 4 days to get there. Well ladida. Little smart ass. I mean I just love that boy.
Here he is in a page for my Christmas book. It's the Deal or No Deal story from Christmas morning. I know it doesn't look too Christmassy. I get to work with Flergs Duncan's Closet kit and I really like it and think it works great for Josh. (and Shannon above). The stars are by Natalie Designs and the journaling mat by Heather Manning. I did get to work on a 2 pager for Addi, but it's not quite done yet. I need to figure out how to get some journaling in there. I'll show it to you tomorrow.

It's supposed to be around 60 degrees today and tomorrow. Good news for I really despise the cold, but it's killing my head. Shannon was up at 6 complaining of a headache too. There is so much to do today. Laundry, dishes and scrapping. Why can't I be more like Cate? She cranks out the layouts. Seriously! And she has 2 kids and gets her housework done. Cate, will you bottle it and send me some? But keep the snow, please.

Well better get this in and check out the train. I didn't hit any one's blog yesterday. Enjoy your day and scrap happy.