My Layouts

Friday, November 30, 2007

Not much to report today!

Hi there,

Not much going on here in my little corner of the scrapping world. Can't believe it's the last day of November already. Where did the time go?

Tomorrow starts a whole new bunch of challenges. This time I'm gonna get them done. I figure that since I skunked out on Andrea this month, I'll do all of hers over at DSO for Dec. Hope that makes it up to her.

I'm really hoping to take either Sat. or Sun. to lock myself in with the computer and scrap all day. I may have to send the old man out of the house to watch football to get it done. Big games for college football on Sat. These games will decide where Ohio State goes to play their bowl game. It's bad that we're not controlling our own destiny and having to wait to see if another team loses.

Enjoy your weekend. No news on Yen and her little peanut yet. So excited for her. Dawne's still waiting on her grandson too. Keep us up to date Dawne.

Until next time, scrap happy!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How many Christmas kits are too many?

Hi there!

How many Christmas kits do you have? This is my first holiday season scrapping, so I've gone nuts grabbing new holiday kits. I've been blessed to be on Heather's CT and have 3 terrific kits that I've featured here, 2 kits from Kelli Tallula Moon and Fantacy is currently putting the finishing touches on hers. I also grabbed several from my OAKS gigs. You would think that would be enough, but NOOOOO. I grabbed 4 from SBB so I could get their Black Friday collab and yesterday I grabbed 2 more from Brigit Kerr at Digital Scrapbook Artisans Guild (or something like that). They are having a 50% sale on some items. I'm a sucker for a sale. I may not really need it but if it's 50% off, It's mine. I can justify it. lol I'm bad. I don't even have photos to scrap half of the stuff I have. I bought a new computer in Sept., 288 gb memory and I only have about 100 gb left. Those are kits that I've used maybe once. But they were on sale!

So this is the lo I was working on this morning. I need some help with title work or word art. If you have any ideas to help me out, leave em in the comments. This is from Brigit Kerr's Peace on Earth and Bursting corners.

Speaking of Christmas, have you seen Heather's new Holiday Silk. It's on sale at PDW through the end of the week. Go and grab them, add to your growing Christmas stuff.
Ok, I'm off to check on Yen to see if little peanut is here and then to see if Dawne's new Grandbaby has arrived. Enjoy your day.
EDIT: There's a little layout on Yen's blog saying she's off to have the baby! Stop by to wish her the best.
Til next time, scrap happy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Grey & Dreary all week

Hi there,
If you hadn't guessed from my title, the weather here is less than perfect. I guess I really shouldn't complain too much. It's not snow. Ok, the first snowfall of the year and snow on Christmas is about all the snow I like. And the first snowfall is only pretty if one can stay indoors and off the roads. Cuz let me tell you, people can NOT drive here in the snow. They barely can in the rain and that's a stretch. Anyway, grey & dreary is in my forecast and almost always affects my mood.

I was kinda disappointed in the cyber Monday sales in the real world yesterday. I really thought that more retailers would have good deals, especially given the economy and their fears of a bad holiday season. We'll I was able to find a free shipping on and got the Disney tent for my niece. And I got an email from Shutterfly saying my calendar has shipped. Surprise! I'm guessing that they had so many to do that they aren't checking for copyright photos. Yes, we do have the rights to those, my brother always buys them cuz they end up printing more off. He learned that with his wedding photos.

Have you been over to Heather's shop at Plain Digital Wrapper yet? Their cyber Monday sale is lasting all week. Plus if you buy Grungy fun Christmas, Heather is giving you Blue Christmas FREE. I think she's lost her mind, lol. 2 kits for the price of 1. And at 40% off. How can you pass up that deal?

I checked in on Yen this morning and she checked in her already since there's such a time diff. Still no little peanut. Stop by her blog and leave her some lovin. Especially you moms, you know what she's going through in these last days of her pregnancy.

Today is my SIL birthday. I did the lo below for her. It started out as a regular card, but quickly grew into a full sized lo. The journaling says "If only they were really sleeping instead of
just recharging." Fantacy came up with that quote and it truly fits these girls to a T. Poor Chris only gets peace when they're sleeping. I love that photo, so I'm sure that you'll see it again and again.

This is my fave from the calendar. I wasn't sure how it was gonna turn out, but I ended up lovin it. There's no way I could have ever done that calendar without Amy Bleser's calendar toppers templates. If you're looking for one, stop by her shop at SBB.

Ok, time to make the donuts. We'll get ready for work that is. Until next time, scrap happy.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Did you survive the long holiday weekend?

Hi there,

Well, all the turkey is gone, the shopping is half done, the house is still in the same mess as it was before. But the calender is done and ordered. Yeah!!! Now I just need Shutterfly not to give me a hard time with one set of photos. The copyright issue. My brother always makes arrangements to get a release for the photos that the family gets taken, but it would take me awhile to get it from him and such. I may need to redo that page. I should have done that before I sent it in, but I was so darn tired of this thing. I think it'll turn out pretty good. Here, what do you think?

The cover.These are just some of my favorite pages. It'll be a gift for my mom. It's all pages of my nieces and nephew, with one page of my dogs.

I also made sure I did some CT work and played around with Heather's new Christmas kits.
That's my niece first Christmas.This is a great kit!! I love all the color and the elements are awesome. There's lots of word art in there too.
This one was done with Icy Sparkles, but I don't have the preview on the puter here right now, so I'll show you Blue Christmas. I love the frame she has in this one. You can see it on the lo with my niece. Lots of fun stuff to play with in all 3 kits that will make the winter holiday and months great to scrap. It'll be interesting to see what she comes up with for New Years.
Cyber Monday is today. I'm really hoping that the retailers all see that free shipping is the most important part of this day. I went to Toys R Us looking for the Disney Princess Castle, only to be told you have to order it online. We'll they want 8 dollars to ship it. Now the warehouse is here in the area. Go figure. I may have to adjust and get a different one from Walmart, where you can ship it to their store for pick up.
If you're in for the card exchange, email me at carjaziscraps at gmail dot com. (you know the routine) and we'll get email addresses for everyone who wants to participate. With the economy in the tank, I think this is better than trying to do a secret Santa.
Don't forget that this is the last week for this months challenges. I know that I slacked off this month big time but hopefully you didn't. Check out Digital Scrap Garden for their great challenges and if you haven't joined, do so. They've got a terrific new members kit. For the challenges at DSO, check Kristine's blog out. She's got a link for them all a few days back. Plus today is the official first day for Andrea over there!! I'll just bet she's got something cooking for this terrific event. I know there's a chat tonight too. Stop by OAKS to check out their challenges. Super easy and they're running a point system so you can shop at the store and get what you want. You accumulate points based on completing challenges.
Make sure you stop by and say hi to Yen. She's anxiously awaiting the arrival of her new little one. I'm sure that she's much more excited, but I can't wait for her to have her baby. She's really included her pregnancy in her blog and it's been fun to watch. Plus she takes the most awesome photos. Can't wait to see the ones she'll take of her little one.
Ok, time to get ready for work. If you know of any terrific Cyber Monday sales in the scrappin world, post em in the comment section.
Until next time, scrap happy!