My Layouts

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Led lighting

You know what I love about this time of the year? All the Christmas lights that people have out all over the front of their homes. Bright colors, various shapes and all pretty. The one thing that driver me crazy about my Christmas lights is when one of the bulbs burns out and the whole strand goes out. Something that I found a few years ago at the after Christmas sales was LED lighting. LED or light emitting diodes are what you find in the rope lighting that has become so popular in the past few years. I use my rope lighting all year round in my landscape design. We have 2 strands that run along our deck out the back door, to help light it and down at the campground to illuminate our campsite, we run the rope lights along the fence and under the bottom of the camper. It adds ambiance to the site and provides great light. And it's very inexpensive to run. The cost to run 2000 LED lights for 8 hours a day, 365 days a year is only $50. And they last a long time without burning out and you never have to worry about a bulb getting smashed and the entire strand not lighting up. So why not consider adding LED lighting to your landscape. It's not just for Christmas anymore.
Christmas lights
Disclosure: “Carjaziscraps - The Rants of a Buckeye Scrapper” is a personal blog written and edited by me. In it I write about things that interest me and/or that I feel need to be mentioned. From time to time I will be writing about products, services, websites and assorted other topics in posts sponsored by one or more advertisers.Any claims, statistics or other statements about a product or service mentioned on this blog should be verified with the manufacturer or provider thereof. The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own regardless of the topic and whether or not it is a sponsored postings.

Friday, December 21, 2007

This one's for you Aunt Hannah

So my Aunt Hannah forwarded me an email today. She gets lots and lots of funny emails from all her friends here in Ohio and in Florida. She's gotten and forwarded some that I've had to send her back an email with an explanation from as to why the photo or email is a hoax. I really think she hates it when I do that, but I do it to a LOT of people. My FIL got a really nasty note from me when he forwarded the Bill Gates/AOL will pay everyone lots of money hoax. Yeah, you know the one. You usually get it about once a year now cuz most people have actually heard it's a hoax. Anyway he stopped emailing me after that one. But my aunt, she's gotten pretty good about checking out the emails at but this one she didn't. So I sent her an email saying, hey it's not true, the kids not missing but thanks for sending just in case. She sent back a reply, laughing at herself and saying she was so sure on this one, but will check em out in the future. But she said she loved my blog. Well, I didn't know any of the family was reading it. So here's to you Aunt Hannah!!! These are layouts I did last weekend. They're in my slide show but I never posted em here for everyone to see.
I'm off to wrap more gifts and pack. I'll tell you what Shannon bought himself, I mean me for Christmas tomorrow. Enjoy your night.

Carolina Coffee Company

Ok, I thought I had all my Christmas shopping done. Then I realized I forgot 1 person, my SIL. Yikes. So I started to think about what she likes and then decided to do a little surfing to find something that may work for her. And I found this great site that I know will suit her to a tee. Carolina Coffee Company!! Chris loves her coffee just like millions of Americans. The day doesn't start until she has at least 1 cup down. What better gift for a coffee lover? I was so amazed at the variety to choose from. They offer a wide selection of specialty single origin estate coffees, specialty blends, including top selling Carolina Christmas Blend, certified fair trade organic coffees, Swiss water decaf coffees (100% chemical free), and their own Owens Family Roast Signature Series. But what I really loved about the site was their great selection of gift baskets and gift items. They have cookies, cakes, candies, biscotti, breads and mixes, cocoa and an entire section of what they call Artful food. Oh, the Bella Cucina Artichoke Lemon Pesto sounds to die for.

These are 2 of the many gift items that I'm seriously considering ordering for her. Gourmet coffee and Christmas Biscotti box. Just 2 of many gifts being offered at this terrific site. So if you're a coffee lover or know of one that you need a gift for, check out this great site for gourmet coffee.

Disclosure: “Carjaziscraps - The Rants of a Buckeye Scrapper” is a personal blog written and edited by me. In it I write about things that interest me and/or that I feel need to be mentioned. From time to time I will be writing about products, services, websites and assorted other topics in posts sponsored by one or more advertisers.Any claims, statistics or other statements about a product or service mentioned on this blog should be verified with the manufacturer or provider thereof. The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own regardless of the topic and whether or not it is a sponsored postings.
gourmet coffee

Buckeyes & Buckeye Nuts

A lot of people having been asking me what a Buckeye is. Here is a picture of a true buckeye nut from a buckeye tree. It's the state tree of Ohio.
The buckeye nut is poisonous. People often will gather the nuts and then turn them into jewelry for Ohio State fans. The often appear on necklaces and key chains of the Buckeye faithful.
These are Buckeye candies. Everywhere other than Ohio, they are Peanut Butter Balls and are completely coated in chocolate. They are to die for! The recipe that is in the prior post is just one that I found when I Googled buckeyes candy and have not tried that one. I think that if you were to Google Buckeyes, you would definitely find lots and lots of recipes for them. They are not hard to make, just a little time consuming. Also you can Google Peanut Butter Balls and get the same thing.

Careers in music

I think that it's every one's dream to be a great singer or a rock star. I know it was mine as a kid, but as I grew up, I realized I can't hold a tune and a dream of a music career was shot. But there are lots of other careers in music available. And I found a great site that explains what they are and offer videos on how you can get started. is a website dedicated to explaining the business side of the music business through video interviews with top industry leaders, musicians, and professors. It really offers a great perspective on the behind the scenes on the music industry. Some of the sub sections include Marketing, Production, Legal, Education, Genre and Resources. There is also a community section that you can join for free that offers benefits such as free lessons, industry news updates and exclusive music content available just for members only. There are video interviews with big names in the music business such as Murder Inc. (The Inc.) producer Irv Gotti - former head of RCA Records Bob Jamieson - musician Randy Newman - Interscope president Jimmy Iovine - Allman Bros. bassist Oteil Burbridge in addition to prestigious schools like NYU Steinhardt School and Loyola University school of Music. So if you've ever considered careers in music this is one great site that you definitely need to check out.

music careers
Disclosure: “Carjaziscraps - The Rants of a Buckeye Scrapper” is a personal blog written and edited by me. In it I write about things that interest me and/or that I feel need to be mentioned. From time to time I will be writing about products, services, websites and assorted other topics in posts sponsored by one or more advertisers.Any claims, statistics or other statements about a product or service mentioned on this blog should be verified with the manufacturer or provider thereof. The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own regardless of the topic and whether or not it is a sponsored postings.

The holiday is closing in fast

Hi there,

Well, I got the last of my wrapping done last night and went and grabbed the last of the gift cards I needed. My laundry is all done and all I need to do is pack up and I'm ready to take off tomorrow. I'm still searching for my holiday spirit, it's missing too. I think it and my mojo took a vacation together. So I started thinking about the holiday spirit and realized that I missed 2 important things this year. I didn't go to any holiday parties that had Buckeyes. Shannon's Aunt Sandy and my cousin Beth make the best Buckeyes I've ever had, even better than Anthony Thomas or Cheryl's Cookies. I'm seriously considering picking some up to take to my SIL cuz she loves em too and the one's they get in Michigan aren't true Buckeyes for obvious reasons. Someone had made a layout with a recipe for them that I saw on their blog yesterday and had me thinking about them. The above recipe came from a google search.
I also realized that I haven't caught ANY of the usual Christmas shows. No Rudolf, no Charlie Brown and most importantly no No Snow Miser & no Heat Miser. A Year Without A Santa Clause is hands down my favorite Holiday special. But not the movie they made of it last year. That was sooooo lame. Give me the claymation or how ever they did it. I love the songs and the theme behind it. Maybe I just didn't check the right channels, but I swear I never saw it advertised on regular TV. And you'd think with this writer's strike, they'd use as much filler as possible.
Oh I am so ready for today to be over and it hasn't even started yet. Why is it the day before a long weekend is always the longest day of the month????? So no scrapping news today. I am so out of the loop. Maybe I'll get a chance tonight to scrap since every thing's pretty much done. We're not leaving til tomorrow late morning. The weather's going to cooperate, at least for the ride up.
Wishing you peace today. Scrap happy!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hotel Reservations

So Shannon's niece will graduate from high school and turn 18 this summer. She said she wanted us to take her to Las Vegas to celebrate this. So I've been checking out different sites for air fare and hotels. Then I found this site It was very easy to navigate and offers the ability to search for hotels and make reservations easily and quickly over the net. In addition you can search for flights, car reservations and vacation packages. I was very impressed with the pricing they offer for the various hotels. And they also seemed to have all the big hotels along the Vegas strip at very competitive pricing. I also did a search of New Orleans for the National Championship game and they had a wide variety of hotels to choose from there too. Now if only Santa would find me 2 tickets to the game.

Hotel Reservations
Disclosure: “Carjaziscraps - The Rants of a Buckeye Scrapper” is a personal blog written and edited by me. In it I write about things that interest me and/or that I feel need to be mentioned. From time to time I will be writing about products, services, websites and assorted other topics in posts sponsored by one or more advertisers.Any claims, statistics or other statements about a product or service mentioned on this blog should be verified with the manufacturer or provider thereof. The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own regardless of the topic and whether or not it is a sponsored postings.

I told you so

Hi there,
I'm sure you remember my telling you about the Kitchen Aid mixer I got mom for Christmas. I ordered it online from Target on Sat. while at work. I had planned to go into the store and grab it, but it was snowing in the part of the city where I was working and everyone who came in was telling me that the roads were really bad and people were driving like idiots. (which happens every time it snows here in Ohio) So when I found out that they were offering free shipping and I found the 10% off coupon, it was a no brainer. I also went through and got a 4% cashback rebate, along with the $20 sign up bonus. My only concern was the possible 5 days shipping. I wasn't sure what the holiday schedule would be. I knew that I'd be there on Sat. and if we needed to go and pick it up on Monday, it would be ok. But I told my mom to be on the lookout for a package, later in the week. I started thinking about how the package would be shipped. I had marked it as a gift, but didn't pay the $5.95 for gift wrap. Since it was a gift, they'd put it in another box, right? I logged on yesterday to track the shipment. SURPRISE!!! It'd had been delivered on Tuesday night. Well I hadn't heard anything and the time that it was dropped off, mom would have been at work. So I call her at work. "I'm gonna wring your neck" were the first words out of her mouth after I said hello. That answered my question! They had just slapped the shipping label on the box. Mom knew what her Christmas gift was. I swear it took me 10 minutes to convince her I didn't spend as much as she thinks I did. After that, she was tickled pink. I think she was going to use it last night cuz she had some pies to make for a work luncheon. I could tell she was pleased.

Ok, I just want to say that Shannon is NO saint!!! Yes, he did clean my kitchen and make dinner for me on that 1 night. I think I figured out why. I missed the anniversary of our first date. Now he didn't say that was why he did it, until I asked him about it, then it was like, um yeah I wondered if you'd remember. After 8 years, there's still some controversy about what the actual date was of our first date. All I know is that it was the Sunday before Christmas that year. I go anywhere from the 18 to the 21st. Last night when I got home, he was fast asleep and nothing was done. I had to cook for him. Which was good cuz I wanted Mexican and he wanted sloppy Joe's. We had Mexican of course.

No new layouts. I tried to wrap presents last night. I just wasn't in the mood. I did manage to get quite a few done, but I still need to finish up. I really wish that someone would explain to me why the companies feel they need to make the packaging they put young children's toys in such weird shapes!!! One of the toys I got for Addi, the youngest, is by far the strangest box I've ever had the misfortune to wrap. It just looks bad. (I was trying to come up with an analogy but all were offensive to the disabled so insert your own) I don't think I ever showed you one of the adorable, but quite self serving gifts I bought the girls. I went to a big craft show and as I was leaving found this booth where the lady did kids clothing. I had picked out these for the girls.There's one for both of them. Aren't they adorable! I was looking through all the stuff she had and I found one that read "I love you a bushel and a peck and hug around the neck". That stopped me dead in my tracks and I started to cry. My Dad used to sing that to me when I was the girls age. I had pulled it together and was cashing out when I mentioned that to the artist and started crying again. She was the sweetest lady and told me that she also had just lost her father but was in CHINA with her son when it happened. Wow, that must have been so hard, not being able to attend the services. Anyway I just thought that she made the cutest things, I wish she had a website, but she said it's all she can do to keep up with the craft shows.
Well, I must get myself up and off to work. Only 2 more days. From the sounds of the weather reports between here and there, it's only gonna be rain for our travel day on Sat. Please hope for good weather for me and those who are off traveling to be with their loved ones for this holiday. Enjoy your day and scrap happy.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Help to learn to manage your finances

We all get regular check ups at the doctors, most on a yearly basis. How often do you do a financial checkup? This time of year is always a good time to do so. Especially if you're like me and overspent on your credit cards for Christmas. This site I found, Finance Genius is a good place to find resources to do that check up. There you can find information about refinancing your auto loan, get insurance quotes, mortgage basics, credit score information and identity theft prevention info. There are also links to outside companies that provide the necessary services outlined. Lots and lots of good information, especially on credit cards and identity theft. So while it's time for the new year to start, start out fresh and do a financial checkup.

Used Car Warranty
Disclosure: “Carjaziscraps - The Rants of a Buckeye Scrapper” is a personal blog written and edited by me. In it I write about things that interest me and/or that I feel need to be mentioned. From time to time I will be writing about products, services, websites and assorted other topics in posts sponsored by one or more advertisers.Any claims, statistics or other statements about a product or service mentioned on this blog should be verified with the manufacturer or provider thereof. The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own regardless of the topic and whether or not it is a sponsored postings.

Am I breaking all the sites I visit????

I don't understand what is going on in digi land lately. It seems that several of my usual hangouts are having issues. Am I breaking these sites? It sure seems that way. Like I mentioned earlier, OAKS is being rebuilt. It will be stronger, faster than before. We have the technology. bwahahah. Seriously, I'm missing my usual posting spot and the usual suspects there. Now today I'm having issues with SBB. They've been having holiday chats all week and I'm trying to get to each one I can. I missed last nights because I wanted to watch the season finalle of The Biggest Loser. So I figured that I'd have a chance to chat today while working. But NOOOOO for some reason every time I tried to log on to SBB I'd get the No Server found 404 message. Grrrrr. So I missed the last chat and chance to tell Raechel & Amy and the girls happy Holidays~! I'm afraid to try to log into DST. But I'll tell you right now, if it's down, don't blame me. But I wanted to show you one of the great things I got with a gift certificate that I won at one of the chats. It was a $5.00 to Amy Cheeseman's store. I'm gonna use it for the rest of my vacation photos (or at least a few more of the beach photos). I also have 2 GC to Melissa Baxter's store for fonts. Yeah!!!!! Well off to check out some of the other sites. Hope I don't break them too.

Digital Cameras

Of course if you digiscrap you have a digital camera. It's literally a must have for anyone who takes pictures of any kind now. I love mine and was panicked when I lost my original, actually I think it was stolen, but either way it was gone. When I went to replace it, I went for an inexpensive model and got the Sony Cybershot. It's a 7.1 megapixel with a 3X zoom. It takes great close ups, but isn't that great on those shots where I need a zoom. But it's perfect for those photos of the nieces and the dogs. Especially since I'm not a "photographer". But my brother on the other hand is and he has a top of the line Nikon with all the fancy attachments that would make anyone jealous and makes me scratch my head wondering what to do with all the extras. But I have compared the photos that both camera's take.
Taken with my Sony. Taken with his pro Nikon.
Hands down the Nikon is a better. So I've been eyeing a Nikon myself, the D40X. I think that's the one most of us in the digiworld are eyeing right now. Now the best thing about being digital is that I can shoot away to capture as much as the moment as I can. If a photo doesn't turn out well then *poof* it's gone. No worrying about developing bad photos again. Plus the ease of sharing them. It's so easy to upload photos into different sites to share with family and friends. And then the digital photo frames are all the rage this year as Christmas gifts. My brother, being the tech guy he is was way ahead of the pack and got my parents one for Christmas last year. He takes the disc and uploads new photos about every 3 months. I'm thinking he got me one for Christmas this year. That or more goodies for my computer. But that will have to wait. I can't imagine not having my digital camera in today's world.

Disclosure: “Carjaziscraps - The Rants of a Buckeye Scrapper” is a personal blog written and edited by me. In it I write about things that interest me and/or that I feel need to be mentioned. From time to time I will be writing about products, services, websites and assorted other topics in posts sponsored by one or more advertisers.Any claims, statistics or other statements about a product or service mentioned on this blog should be verified with the manufacturer or provider thereof. The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own regardless of the topic and whether or not it is a sponsored postings.

digital picture frames

The countdown has begun

Hi there,

Well, the countdown has begun. Only 3 more work days left until my holiday begins. And I can't wait cuz even though it's the easiest job in the world, it's a drag. I'm hoping the weather will hold too. The snow is supposed to be here in Ohio on Sunday but since I'm driving north who knows what the weather will do. I know that this past weekend they got about 8 inches or so. It may be a white Christmas after all where I'll be. Snow on Christmas Eve would be nice, cuz I have to work the day after Christmas so we'll leave mid afternoon to come back. If it's snowing that day, we'll have to leave earlier which will bum me out. I miss not being near the family and watching the girls grow. But you can count on it, I'll have tons of pictures of them when I get back.

Who knew that yesterday when I made the comment about Chris Farley that would be every one's choice to comment? I just heard about it on the radio on my way into work and thought that it would be filler. Too many good funny people lost in their prime to a life of pain and excess.

Oh yeah, I really have to brag on this one. Last night when I got home from work, I got a nice surprise. As many of my regular readers may know, Shannon gets laid off for the winter. I've been coming home to dinner almost on the table quite often lately, but last night I also got a completely clean kitchen. Woo Hoo. He's pretty good about picking up this time of year, but he had every last dish either done and put away or in the dishwasher. Now if I could just get him to put his socks in a hamper out of Jazi's reach. lol.

Some of you know that OAKS was/is having issues. Well the files were corrupted and the site will need to be rebuilt. Everything that was on there is gone. Since I joined up with the Scrapz pack, most of my lo's went into that gallery. So even though I have them on my drive, they are not in cyberspace. I think that since I've been having mojo issues that unless it's CT related I'm not going to put it in a gallery. Just post it here. I've realized that I need to learn to scrap for me not the approval of others. So this is my first step. Of course, challenges will still go into galleries and of course anything made with CT stuff.

I've been listening to the station that only plays Christmas carols at work and there are really only so many out there. I've come to love TSO Canon Carol (I think that's the title- TSO Transiberian Orchestra), Bing Crosby/David Bowie's Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth is still one of my favorites and of course Merry Xmas -War is Over by John Lennon. But one that always makes me pause when I hear it is Grown Up Christmas List, I think it's by Amy Grant. So here's my Christmas Wish for all.

The lines that get me- Everyone would have a friend. Thanks to scrapping, I have found so many friends that I cherish and look forward to hearing about and from. And right would always win - with all the controversy going on in the community lately, this is especially true. You have to believe that in the end right will prevail. And love would never end- any and all love. This is my Christmas wish for you all.

Scrap happy!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Web Hosting Choice

Have you ever thought about setting up your own website? Maybe for family or maybe for business. Well to do that you first need to have a web host to set your site up on. That's the tricky part of any website. I was looking into setting up a site for a designer's CT. I found a great free site that helps guide you to choosing the web host that best suits your needs based on several factors; disk space, bandwidth, monthly costs and set up fee. This site is Web Hosting Choice and I think it's a great place to start for anyone who is looking into starting any web site. This site offers a wide variety of information as well as the search capability. There is a Quick Start Guide as well as a FAQ page and even an Advanced search area for those who know a bit more about web hosting. In addition there is the learning center area that has in depth information on potential scams among web hosting sites, domain names, cheap hosting sites and dedicated servers and why you should look into those. All in all, the site is a complete overview for web hosting and I am glad that I found it. It will make my job much easier as I continue to look into the CT forum site.

Disclosure: “Carjaziscraps - The Rants of a Buckeye Scrapper” is a personal blog written and edited by me. In it I write about things that interest me and/or that I feel need to be mentioned. From time to time I will be writing about products, services, websites and assorted other topics in posts sponsored by one or more advertisers.Any claims, statistics or other statements about a product or service mentioned on this blog should be verified with the manufacturer or provider thereof. The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own regardless of the topic and whether or not it is a sponsored postings.

Tagged for Christmas

Ok I'm finally getting around to getting this on the blog. It's been done by just about everyone already, but here's an insight into my world at Christmas.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper with bows (

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artifical Chrsitmas tree if I put it up and lights on our palm tree.

3. When do you put up the tree? Not going to this year.

4. When do you take the tree down? n/a

5. Do you like egg nog? Love it...its a once a year treat

6. Favourite gift received as a child? A silk blue baseball jacket like Andy Gibb wore on the cover of one of his albums.

7. Do you have a nativity scene? Not anymore

8. Hardest person to buy for? mom

9. Easiest person to buy for? Josh, my nephew

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? both

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't really remember. Oh yeah red Ohio State sweatpants that my old man bought and started to wear the day after Christmas. I don't think I've ever worn them.

12. Favourite Christmas Movie: I love them all

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? yes

15. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? food

16. Clear lights or coloured on the tree? colored but solid strands

17. Favourite Christmas song? Silent Night has always been one that has touched me, but it's had a special meanning for me and my dad since my grandmother died in 1986. I cried like a baby last Christmas cuz my dad wasn't strong enough to stand to sing it at Christmas eve services last year. So I sat right beside him and held his hand. I don't know if I'll be strong enough to go to Christmas eve services this year without him.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Usually AWAY- Now that I have nieces and a newphew, Christmas is about the children. I am very fortunate that I have been able to spend the last 2 Chrsitmas' at home(mom & dads)

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Dancer, Prancer, Donner & Blitzen, Comet & Cupid & Vixen and I guess not.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? that the commercials start so bloody early...very commercialized....& the family gets their face in a knot if you dont want to travel 6 hours in a snowstorm to get a crappy gift...LOL

23. Favourite ornament theme or colour? Santa's

24. Favourite for Christmas dinner? Don't know since I won't be cooking, that's the joy of traveling.

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? An EHD

I signed up for PPP!

I've been approved to join the hundreds, no thousands of bloggers who are making the most of a great opportunity; getting paid to blog. I've joined the Pay Per Post program. It was very simple to set up. I just clicked on the icon on the right that says Get Paid to Blog. That took me right to the site. It's very self explanatory. Enter the information to register your blog. It takes about a week to get approved. I did have to issue a tracking ticket through customer love, but they did respond to the ticket very quickly and I was approved. There are different opportunities for you to blog about. You see what you are qualified for, reserve the opportunity and then do a post about it. There are different subjects and different dollar amounts available. Some I'm very qualified for, other's I'll need to do a little research on, but the subject still interests me. There are a few that I know nothing about and really don't care to look into. Those are the opportunities that don't fit my style so I won't bother with those. So I post once or twice a day and after 30 days, money starts rolling into my paypal account. I've seen other's who have done it. Yen was the first person and I know that she does several posts a day. Heather also started a little over a month ago. She said she's getting paid daily now and it's helping.

So why try Pay Per Post? Why not. I have a lot of credit card bills and even more now with the holidays. Why not use any extra income I earn to help make those extra payments. I'm long winded and a sales person by nature. Why not do what I can do best - talk. So we'll see how exciting I can make these posts. I know that I've read and learned a lot at some of the other blogs. Who knows, one of these posts may be of some benefit to you. Maybe this one. Want to try it out for yourself? Just click on the icon to the right and sign up for yourself.

Carjaziscraps - The Rants of a Buckeye Scrapper” is a personal blog written and edited by me. In it I write about things that interest me and/or that I feel need to be mentioned. From time to time I will be writing about products, services, websites and assorted other topics in posts sponsored by one or more advertisers.Any claims, statistics or other statements about a product or service mentioned on this blog should be verified with the manufacturer or provider thereof. The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own regardless of the topic and whether or not it is a sponsored postings.

blog ethics">Pay Per Post

Short today

Hi there!
Not much going on today but wanted to say hi anyway. For those of you who remember my post last week about the Kitchen Aid mixers, I got so many favorable comments from people who have them and they last forever. I decided to do a little research. You know how lots of places have a spot to review the items for other shoppers? Well most of the less expensive mixers didn't get the most favorable reviews so I decided to go ahead and get her the Kitchen Aid. She's gonna have a fit, so I'm gonna blame it all on you guys. lol. Actually I found one at Target on sale, someone posted about a coupon site so I got 10% off, my cash back for being an ebates member and FREE shipping. Couldn't beat it. So thanks all.

So I've been hanging out at the chats over at SBB for their Holiday party. It's been pretty lucrative so far with nice giveaways and it's always good to see old friends. There's a chat at noon today EST, stop by if you get a chance.

If you are on Blogger and use the Slide for your layouts/pictures and know how to get them to stick on top, please email me at carjaziscraps "at" gmail "dot" com. I'm sure I could figure it out but that would make me think way too hard this morning.

One last thing I heard on the radio today that made me feel old. Ten years ago today the comedienne Chris Farley passed away. Strangely it doesn't seem like it was that long ago, but also feels like it was. Does that make sense? The Chippendale dance skit with him and Patrick Swayze has always been one of my favorite SNL skits ever. Useless trivia.

Have a great day and scrap happy!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Made a few changes

Hi there,
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We were supposed to get snow, but it all went north of us and all we got was rain. So that was good. The bad part was Shannon was supposed to help a friend of his do snow removal. Can't plow with no snow. The joys of unemployment for the season.

So I've been doing a little scrapping. Still not at the point where I'm happy with the way things are turning out, but did some pages anyway. Worked on my vacation photos a little bit. Been having lots of issues though getting the layouts loaded into the various galleries. Seems to be a bit of a bug going around. OAKS looks like it will be down for awhile. SDD I'm not sure what's up there. SBB got theirs fixed, but lately the gallery isn't as friendly as it used to be. Maybe it's cuz I'm not a permanent fixture there anymore.

So did you notice I switched things up a little? Was getting bored and since Christmas is only a week away, didn't want to just mess with my blog header. I'm thinking my slide gallery isn't going to be a permanent thing unless I figure out how to make it a sticky. You can see some of the new layouts there. I'm not in the mood to list out all the credits right now. Once I get them uploaded to a gallery, maybe I'll put em here too.

Enjoy your day! Scrap happy.

Check out my Slide Show!