My Layouts

Friday, December 14, 2007

Finally Friday

Thank God! Of course I still have to get through today and 1/2 tomorrow without bi*chslapping anyone at work or home for that matter. I didn't feel that Isn't PMS a wonderful thing was an appropriate title for today's entry, but that's what it should be. And for those of you who are lucky enough to feel that it doesn't really affect you much, wait til you get older. I am every cliche in the book right now. I got home from work last night, told the old man to do whatever he wanted just stay away cuz he ALWAYS pushes my buttons. I holed up with my computer, trying to fix something for Heather. Got so frustrated and mad that I just deleted it. Can't get anything to go on a page so it looks half way decent. I really think that I could just curl up somewhere until next year and that would be just fine with me. Except that I'm the only one in the office til Tuesday (which is actually quite the blessing). And now I'm just a ranting and raving here. Just what you want to read.

On to something much more pleasant. Tomorrow is Heather's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
So a very, very Happy Birthday to you Heather, and many, many more!!!
Stop by her blog today & tomorrow and leave her birthday wishes.
And now I leave you with this little snippet. And a question. What is the legality of photos that are passed around in emails? I know that someone had to have taken them, but they're never credited. I would LOVE to use some of them in some layouts. Maybe even find my mojo (but I doubt it). With all the issues going on with piracy in the digiworld does anyone know what the stance is on email photos?

Come on now, wouldn't you just love to get your hands on this photo to scrap for one of your CT's. I could think of half a dozen of the Christmas kits that would be totally awesome for this. Isn't it adorable!!!
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! We're expecting snow so I'm sure it'll a be a blast.
Scrap happy!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's almost Friday!

Hi there!
It's almost Friday, Thank God. Only a little bit more. Livin for the weekend, have to finish up my shopping. Hope yours is all done. Shannon's company dinner last night was nice. Long but nice. His boss gave him/us the new George Foreman grill, a box of Omaha Steaks and a nice travel/gym bag. We were kinda hoping for a cash bonus, but can't be too greedy. A little disapointed yes, but not upset. It beats my Kroger gift card and a lump of coal. I'm grateful he works for such a nice guy.
Look, Yen's back!!!! And sweet as ever. She nodded my way with these cute awards she got while off having a baby. (I think she got the best award of all- AXEL). So I'm passing this on to Kristine & Cate. They both have Bodacious blogs that are on my daily must read list and both ladies, in my opinion are as True Blue as they come. I'd have included Heather in my list, but Yen tagged her too. So thank you ladies, all of you, for making my little corner of the scrappin world a brighter place and warming my heart with all you do for me.

Don't forget about Heather's Grand Reopening/Birthday sale at her storefront,
It's only until Sat. Grab your list of goodies and shop til you drop.

Well, it's time to make the donuts, as they say in that old Dunkin Donut's commercial. Meaning off to work. Hope you enjoy your day and the nasty weather that's hit a good majority of the Midwest (but missed me, thankfully) doesn't head your way. And if it did, stay safe! Scrap happy and see ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Well, the weeks almost half over. That brings us one day closer to Christmas and the New Year. I ran into Kolh's yesterday looking for the mixer on a stand that my mom wants. They had plenty and on sale but they were the Kitchen Aid $299 ones. Now I can cook and am pretty good at it, but don't do it too often. I want to know why anyone needs a $400 mixed? I just don't get it. Does it make the food taste better? Now mom already knows that she's not getting one of those. She'd probably have a heart attack if she opened it up and then would be yelling at me for wasting money. I'm heading to Target after a Christmas dinner tonight. It's Shannon's company dinner. Always a nice time.

Have you been over to check out Heather's new and improved storefront yet? Well what are you waiting for? If you wait too long, you'll miss her grand reopening/birthday sale. So make sure you stop by and look around. All the good stuff without any calories.
And if you're looking for the QP's go down to the next two posts. If you use them, please make sure that you are crediting the designer of the product used- Heather Manning. I just threw together her fabulous products.

Did I show you this layout I did over the weekend? Well, if I did, sorry but you have to look at it again, lol. This Santa is an ornament from my childhood, he looks a little strange in the photo. He's got those eyes that move. I can't think what they call that. But I used DigiDiva's Color Revolution Ravishing in Red collection with a paper from Ann Marie's Christmas Sampler (which you can get free at OAKS). Just one of the many goodies I've gotten from a generous Santa lately.

Not really a whole lot left to say. Yen, the sweetheart that she is sent me an email to thank me for stopping by her blog while she was away. Now this is one classy lady. She's a new mom, has 3 or 4 blogs, does the pay per post, posted a mass thank you to several boards and yet is making an attempt to personally thank those who care about her. This is what I like about the scrapping community. It warms my heart to see that so many people care not only about her, but all of us. And it almost makes up for the nasty, swarmy remarks people are making on the blogs for Christmas around the World that was organized. I just don't understand people sometimes. Designers go out of their way to make something for FREE and people degrade it, steal it or are just nasty about it? I just don't understand people. Ah the great mysteries of life. I know I was having an issue with one particular upload and I left a comment on a blog. I don't believe it was a nasty one, actually I'm sure it wasn't cuz the designer came over here to let me know that if I can't get it through 4shared, then she'd find another way. That's class too!!

Ok, rambled long enough. Gotta jump in the shower for work. Have a great Humpday and don't forget to go check on the Humpday honeys freebies. Start at Kristine's.
Until next time, scrap happy!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Only 2 weeks left!!

Hi there,
Do you have all your shopping done? I can't believe that there's only two weeks left til Christmas. That means there's only 3 weeks left til this year is over. "and so this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year over and a new just begun." One of my favorite lines from Happy Xmas (War is Over) by John Lennon. Really makes ya think. Back to shopping. I've got the bulk of mine done, but I've been bugging my mom since Thanksgiving for a list of what she wants. She's always hard to buy for. So now I'm off to locate a stand mixer. Unfortunately I can't get her one of the Kitchen Aid ones. But thankfully, Kohl's is having another one of their "Biggest Sales of the Season" sales that they have like every 2 weeks and hopefully they'll have em on sale.

So did you hear the news? Heather has her shop opened back up. Not only is it open but it's new and improved. is the address. I didn't want to just do a link cuz you're gonna need that address for quite some time to come. To celebrate the reopening and her up coming 29th again (just kidding, she's not shy to tell you her age) birthday; she's having a sale- Everything is 33% off (give you a hint on her age) everything over $2.00 that is. So if you've been eyeing her fab new Christmas kits or maybe you are loving the QP's I did with her Flashy New Year kit, then now's the time.

And in honor of the reopening, I have another QP for you. I was gonna wait until Wednesday to
Link has expired.

put this up, but it's in 4shared already and 3 people have downloaded it. Wow, without really seeing it? Seriously? I just found out that your files aren't all that secure there. Not that my stuff is super terrific and all, but I feel pirated. I know get over myself. So click on the link if you want to join those who already downloaded the final Flashy New Year QP. Many thanks to Heather for her generosity in allowing me to share this with you. All credits go to her.

Well, I'm freezing and about to go and crawl back in bed with my dogs for awhile before I head off to work. Did I tell you about my day from hell yesterday, well actually it was just a customer and is probably better off not rehashed. There are way toooo many drama queens in this world. And while I tend to be one of them, I do not take it out on other people (at least that I know of).
Let's hope for a bit of peace and quite today. Until next time, scrap happy!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

How was your weekend?

Hope it was a good one. What'd ya do? Me, not much of anything fun. Well, ok some fun. Had lunch with Shan's aunts on Saturday, so it was a good meal and I've had to work the last few holiday get together that they've had. It was good to see everyone and be seen.

How do you do your back ups? Do you back up monthly, weekly or whenever you feel it would majorly mess up your life and scrapping if you *gasp* crash (God forbid). I bought the new computer in August after my old one showed signs of crashing and my CD burner wouldn't burn. I didn't back anything up but hopefully if I get around to getting the right cables transferring the thousands of photos and millions of freebie files. Anyway, I decided that I needed to clean up my current computer and back up my files. The photos only took 3 discs. The files took me 10 discs, 3 hours (at least) and I'm only to the L's. Heather's files alone took up 1 3/4 discs. I'm out of discs for now. I'm sure that I'll end up downloading more files between now and when I remember to get new discs. But at least I've started.

I feel that my mojo's lost somewhere and I'm digging deep to get any layouts done. Actually, I'm attributing my mojo loss to my smoking cessation program. Basically I'm missing the smoking and designing. I'd sit here at the computer, smoke and move stuff around, smoke and put em back, smoke and decide I was done. SBB had an avatar challenge back in September asking what was required for you to scrap and my avatar was a pack of Marlbaro Lights and a Diet Coke. Now it's just diet coke. It's not enough to make me start back up. It's been 6 weeks. But it seems that it's just so much harder for me.

I did a few layouts over the weekend. This one I really liked. My dad just lit up whenever he held Emily. This was from her first Christmas and it was such a blessed day. This year will be the first without him, but it'll be Addi's first so I think we'll be ok.

These 2 were done for challenges over at DSO. The first one is for Andrea's lyric challenge. The other one was for the I can't believe you scrapped that?! challenge. I got to use Heather's Flashy New Year, but I called it the wrong name when I uploaded. Bad CT member!

But I love this kit and have been racking my brain trying to find a picture that will do it justice. I gave up, I don't know where it is. So I did the next best thing, I planned for one that hopefully I'll take this year. (but it won't be flashy cuz we usually stay home - it's safer). Heather, being the generous person she is letting me give to you, FREE, the QP I made with her fab kit. Now I mention it's free, but nothing in life really is, I'm asking you to stop by her blog and thank her for her generosity. Here's the link to her blog.

Link for the QP has expired.
You can get the QP by clicking the preview or here. And make sure you stop by and check out Heather's new and improved store. She's got it up and running again and it looks FABULOUS!
And watch for a sale of some sort from her. And check back tomorrow, there'll be another QP from her kit.
So until next time, scrap happy!!!!