My Layouts

Friday, December 14, 2007

Finally Friday

Thank God! Of course I still have to get through today and 1/2 tomorrow without bi*chslapping anyone at work or home for that matter. I didn't feel that Isn't PMS a wonderful thing was an appropriate title for today's entry, but that's what it should be. And for those of you who are lucky enough to feel that it doesn't really affect you much, wait til you get older. I am every cliche in the book right now. I got home from work last night, told the old man to do whatever he wanted just stay away cuz he ALWAYS pushes my buttons. I holed up with my computer, trying to fix something for Heather. Got so frustrated and mad that I just deleted it. Can't get anything to go on a page so it looks half way decent. I really think that I could just curl up somewhere until next year and that would be just fine with me. Except that I'm the only one in the office til Tuesday (which is actually quite the blessing). And now I'm just a ranting and raving here. Just what you want to read.

On to something much more pleasant. Tomorrow is Heather's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
So a very, very Happy Birthday to you Heather, and many, many more!!!
Stop by her blog today & tomorrow and leave her birthday wishes.
And now I leave you with this little snippet. And a question. What is the legality of photos that are passed around in emails? I know that someone had to have taken them, but they're never credited. I would LOVE to use some of them in some layouts. Maybe even find my mojo (but I doubt it). With all the issues going on with piracy in the digiworld does anyone know what the stance is on email photos?

Come on now, wouldn't you just love to get your hands on this photo to scrap for one of your CT's. I could think of half a dozen of the Christmas kits that would be totally awesome for this. Isn't it adorable!!!
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! We're expecting snow so I'm sure it'll a be a blast.
Scrap happy!


Anonymous said...

AW! How sweet! And that came out so pretty! Did you take my santa hat off? LOL Or get that one off of my blog? That is so sweet Diane! Thank you!

I'm not sure about the legality of that picture in general. I know that one has been passed around since last year. There are a lot of stock photo sites that you can scrap with. You just can't use them for commercial purposes.

I hope your day gets better! I haven't had PMS in let's see, Alyce is 12 months, so 21 months? ROFL Ain't nursing wonderful? LOL

Ariane said...

AWWW, that is ADORABLE! Wish I could help you on the legality of e-mail photo's cause you're right that would make a great LO and I can think of some other ones that would as well.

Hope your day goes better, boy do I get the whole PMS wanna kill someone thing that was my day on Wednesday, lol.

absolutartist1 said...

[hugs] I was one of those lucky gals that never had PMS... until I got off Depo the first time to try getting pregnant, and then... HOLY GOD!!! So I totally sympathize, hon. Hope things get better for ya'.

The card is really cute, and I bet some of those hormones are messing with your judgement so don't just toss everything - save it as is for now, and go back to it in a few days. It'll probably look a lot better! :D

PS - I blogged really late today! LOL

Unknown said...

That is a wonderful photo - just makes me smile :)