My Layouts

Friday, September 21, 2007

Poison Ivy & the Autumn Equinox

Well what started out as what I thought were spider bites, turned out to be a full blown case of poison ivy. Yuck! I've never had it before and it's not pleasant. What makes it worse is that because of a work situation, I couldn't go see my doctor for an extra 3 days. He wasn't happy I waited so long or scratched so much. Never in my life have I itched so much. I'd show you a picture, but I'm sure it's not the kind of thing you want to see so early in the morning. lol

I can't believe that Sunday is the first day of autumn. Summers always fly by so fast. There are only a few more weeks left before we have to close up the camper for the season. That's always a sad time. We've grown so close to so many people down there and those 5 months there's usually very little contact. But some the end of March us diehards are always there, freezing our arses off just to say we're camping. It's a strange but great breed of people. I really haven't seen anyone for almost a month due to family & work obligations and last time we went down, it rained all weekend and the place was very quite. Hoping the weatherman is right about his prediction for this weekend.

I've found a few blogs in my wanderings. There are so many digiscrapers out there! Here's a few freebies that I've found to share with you. In no particular order:

Links to the freebies are in the preview. The first kit is from Raspberry Road. The frames are Lindsay Jane Designs, the other kit is by Princess Pamela Digitreats & both templates are from Rose MC Digital Designs. Make sure you leave the love. For some reason, i'm having issues getting Lindsay Jane's link on the preview. You can find the frames here!

Here are 2 freebies available on Scrappin Hillbilly's blog. One's a QP callendar made with her new kit Lil Bluebirch.

This is a layout I did after Ohio State's first game. My Aunt, cousin and her daughter came over to watch the game with me since there were issues with cable companies and The Big Ten Network. Gotta love Direct TV! Tomorrow's game against Northwestern should be a great game! Our defense is looking fabulous!!! Once we get our QB situation straight, we may be a contender. Let's hope!

Click on layout for credits.

And lastly, I want to show you all one of my favorite layouts I've done. It was for my CT gig for Heather Manning. She's such a sweetie and has some awesome products. Check out her store at DSO. Click the layout for credits. It's my nephew at our family reunion/picnic over Labor Day weekend.

I'm listening to digital radio on my satellite. I love that capability. I'm corny - I LOVE the 70's station! I've already heard some of my favorites from that era - "Cats in the Cradle" & "All By Myself". Right now it's the BeeGees. lol. It always seems to bring back fond memories from my childhood.

Well, guess I need to go work on some layouts since I'll be gone all weekend. Oh no, computer withdrawal. Hope yours is a terrific one and you have many blessed moments.

Until next time - scrap happy!


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Where are the parents?????

I woke up in a good mood this morning. Go figure. That lasted until the old man went out to his truck to leave for work. Then all I hear is, well let's just say he's screaming words I can't print here. We've had a rash of window smashing in our neighborhood in the past 2 weeks. Punk kids I'm sure. Well they got his truck last night and he's mad as a hornet. He didn't get home until about 10 and I didn't go to sleep until after the 11 o'clock news. So why are kids roaming the streets after 11:30 at night? Where are their parents? I just don't get it. In my day, you had to be in when the street lights came on. The only way I got to stay out that late was if I was at work. The kids in our area are roaming all hours. It drives my dogs nuts. They bark at everybody that walks by our house and even those across the street sometimes. Unfortunately they sleep in the room with us, so they didn't hear anything to alert us. It will break my heart to lock Carmen out of my room, she sleeps on the floor right at the edge of the bed. But I think that's what it will come too. Unless I can get Shannon to sleep on the couch, but he sleeps like the dead. Anyway, I've been dealing with the CPD to get a report filed that will do nothing for us because we only carry liability on that vehicle.

Everyone's blogging, but few freebies today. Here's a few I found. I thought that I'd go ahead and give you a preview. The frames are from KimB Designs & the QP is from Wenchd Grafix. Click on the preview to go to their blog for download.

Any Dale Jr. fans out there? What do you think of his car # and sponsor change? I'm not sure I can picture him in any color car other than red. I think that Hendrick Motorsports will be good for him. Now it's his turn to prove that he can drive. I think he'll do just fine. Big game Saturday vs. Northwestern to start the Big Ten season. There's been alot of hoopla regarding the schools decision to show games on the Big Ten Network. A few of the cable companies here aren't carrying it. But I have (and love) my Direct TV so I don't have to worry.

Until next time- scrap happy


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Humpday?

I still can't get over the feeling that it should be Thursday. Maybe I'm just looking forward to Friday off so much that I'm wishing my time away. Ok, who's watching The Biggest Loser? I always swear that I'm not gonna get addicted to reality shows each season, but sure enough I get pulled in. Love that Black team! Having been one of those kids who always got picked last for anything in school, I love to root for the underdog. I was so excited that they won the weigh in. At first it didn't look like they were gonna make it. Now I like Jillian, but I really don't think I'd want to be training with her out in the middle of a desert. Give me a treadmill in the AC any day (actually could use one). It's funny because I always laugh at the one's who complain about the workouts most, but I KNOW that would be me if I was on that show. Still not sure who I'd like to see win, but I think that they all end up winners in the long run.

I've been blog surfing since I started mine, trying to broaden my horizons and see what else is going on out in the digiworld. Yesterday I found this hysterical message from Bob Dylan (yes the Bob Dylan) for DragonflaireDesigns. Go check it out her blog (but don't forget to come back). See isn't that clever!

The designers over at DSO ( have their Humpday Hunnies freebies on there blogs: Here's a short rundown. Heather has a notepaper with coffee rings ;Terriann has funky ribbons ; Sondra has a 12 X 12 frame overlay ;Kristine has a gold vellum cutout; Joy has heart & flowers sparkle charms and Mel has a cute QP
Other notable freebies include Raspberry Road. Susan has a 2 download kit she designed just for scrappers who have moved, are moving or just want to scrap when they moved. It's called, aptly enough, Moving Day. And Lindsay Jane Designs has Glitter Numbers on her blog. Don't forget on both you can go back a ways and pick up what you've missed by them. Don't wait too long though, eventually the links expire. lol

If you're around at 3 PM EST and just wanta chat, stop by SBB for a sketch challenge chat. Raechel Knight is the hostess with the mostess and always has a great participation gift. Stop by and say hi.

On the sport note: This weekend kicks off the Big Ten season for OSU with a game against Northwestern. Since we pretty much handled Washington last weekend, this should be a breeze. But never count your wins until they're in the W column. Nascar goes to Dover. My fantasy boys didn't do too bad last week. Let's hope they can keep up the run til the final race in Homestead in Nov.

Until next time- scrap happy!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Why does it feel like Wednesday?

For some reason I am a day ahead of myself and I don't know why. Maybe I'm rushing the week because I'm off work on Friday and am soooo looking forward to a weekend at the campground. We went 2 weeks ago, but it was cold, rainy and empty. I haven't seen my friends from down there in almost a month. I have a very belated birthday gift to give one of them. I had 2 layouts of her girls printed off by Shutterfly and I framed them for her. It was my first experience with Shutterfly and while I will admit I was impressed with the quality, the shipping took forever. When I called, they attributed it to having to do a copyright verification. Don't know if that means the photos were that good, or just a cheap excuse for dropping the ball. Anyway, I need to pull myself back to Tuesday.

I have a couple of layouts to show you. I've been working with Tallula Moon Designs Tuscan Touch collection and stock photos. I absolutely love this kit. Check it can pick it up at 3Scrapateers Here are 2 layouts I've done.

Click on layout to see credits. Actually the smaller jpeg file doesn't do the kit justice. You should definitely go and check it out. Kelli's also entered into the Digitals Design Star contest. Round 3 should be up soon for downloading. All the designs are available for free downloads. Another must see.
Heather Manning has a new site where you can get all the important information regarding her designs, freebies and the Humpday Hunnies. It's Drop by and say hello. Kristine, recovering from mouth surgery, still had time to post a QP from her Blueberry Creme Kit. See her blog here KimB Designs has a terrific tut on wrapping ribbons around frames & a frame freebie. And Lindsay Jane has a precious Pretty Pink Mini Kit on her blog for today.
Until next time, scrap happy!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Autumn is definately here

Brrrr. It was cold out this morning. The BF even turned on the heat, which is unusual for him. He's always turning up the air & freezing me out. There was even frost in the outlying areas. But not to worry, it's supposed to get back into the mid 80's by midweek.

Just a few notes of interest in my area of the digiscrappin world: Heather Manning has revealed what was in her grab bag over at DSO and all items are now offered individually . I can tell you that her Candied Apples kit is absolutely gorgeous. I have used it in a few of my layouts.

Kim B has a hysterical story of her golf outing from the weekend. She also had a cool freebie that goes great with her Denim flair kit from her grab bag at DSO - they're glitter flowers. Check out her blog to pick them up. Susan at Raspberry Road has a cute Coffee House freebie and the links to all of her designs are available if you missed one earlier.

Digitals Design Star contest is about to start round 3. Round 2 was to create a boys kit.
This is Kelli's - Tallula Moon Designs entry. To get a better view and to download it go here. The cool thing is you can download any of the entries. Round 3 is to make elements to match the kit from round 2.

Scrapbook-Bytes color challenge crop is today at 2 pm EST. It's just a small group of us that just love to chat. Jodi always has fantastic freebies if you come to the chat and post in the gallery. Would love to chat with anyone who actually read my blog today, so stop by.

Don't forget to check out Ikeagoddess's freebie list! Until next time, scrap happy!


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Happiness is a warm puppy

Or rather, sleeping dogs. The old man went to a birthday party last night and did the responsible thing, didn't drive home. So I had the bed to myself. Well actually, I woke up with both dogs sleeping next to me. It's not unusual to have Jazi sleep with me, but Carmen rarely ever does. With the cold autumn morning, the extra body heat was just what the doctor ordered.

Last night, SBB had a welcome to the store chat with Penny of Penny's Miscellany Designs. There was a really good turn out and we all had a good time with her freebie ad on kit and good chat. I usually hit the daytime chats there while I'm at work and try to make myself stay awake for the night chats, but usually don't make it that long. Amy Blesser's Rock the Template on Thur. nights at 11:15 is one I wish I could make on a more regular basis. Her templates rock! I always make the Scrapbrat chat on Tues. at 2 pm with Fantacy. It's always a great time. I didn't do the challenge this week though.

I still haven't figured out how to put my blinkies on the side of the blog. I thought that someone had explained how at the Stone Accent Studios forum, but couldn't find it. They just had their grand opening. You should check out the site here.

On a sports note, My Buckeyes won yesterday against Washington. It was a bad first half, but boy that must have been some halftime speech. The win gives Coach Tressel his 200 at Ohio State, which is awesome since he has only been the coach there since 2001. GO BUCKS! The Nascar race is at New Hampshire today. There are only 10 races left this season.

Well I can't decide if I should go back to sleep or scrap. Scrappin will most likely win out. Until next time. Have a great day!