My Layouts

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Humpday?

I still can't get over the feeling that it should be Thursday. Maybe I'm just looking forward to Friday off so much that I'm wishing my time away. Ok, who's watching The Biggest Loser? I always swear that I'm not gonna get addicted to reality shows each season, but sure enough I get pulled in. Love that Black team! Having been one of those kids who always got picked last for anything in school, I love to root for the underdog. I was so excited that they won the weigh in. At first it didn't look like they were gonna make it. Now I like Jillian, but I really don't think I'd want to be training with her out in the middle of a desert. Give me a treadmill in the AC any day (actually could use one). It's funny because I always laugh at the one's who complain about the workouts most, but I KNOW that would be me if I was on that show. Still not sure who I'd like to see win, but I think that they all end up winners in the long run.

I've been blog surfing since I started mine, trying to broaden my horizons and see what else is going on out in the digiworld. Yesterday I found this hysterical message from Bob Dylan (yes the Bob Dylan) for DragonflaireDesigns. Go check it out her blog (but don't forget to come back). See isn't that clever!

The designers over at DSO ( have their Humpday Hunnies freebies on there blogs: Here's a short rundown. Heather has a notepaper with coffee rings ;Terriann has funky ribbons ; Sondra has a 12 X 12 frame overlay ;Kristine has a gold vellum cutout; Joy has heart & flowers sparkle charms and Mel has a cute QP
Other notable freebies include Raspberry Road. Susan has a 2 download kit she designed just for scrappers who have moved, are moving or just want to scrap when they moved. It's called, aptly enough, Moving Day. And Lindsay Jane Designs has Glitter Numbers on her blog. Don't forget on both you can go back a ways and pick up what you've missed by them. Don't wait too long though, eventually the links expire. lol

If you're around at 3 PM EST and just wanta chat, stop by SBB for a sketch challenge chat. Raechel Knight is the hostess with the mostess and always has a great participation gift. Stop by and say hi.

On the sport note: This weekend kicks off the Big Ten season for OSU with a game against Northwestern. Since we pretty much handled Washington last weekend, this should be a breeze. But never count your wins until they're in the W column. Nascar goes to Dover. My fantasy boys didn't do too bad last week. Let's hope they can keep up the run til the final race in Homestead in Nov.

Until next time- scrap happy!


4guysandme said...

Interesting stuff. I'm having a hump day kind of day today.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering the SAS-y pride contest and adding our blinkie to your blog.

Pillowgirl said...

Hey, your blog is great already! Keep it comin!

Anonymous said...

Hey woman! Great blog you got going on! Thanks for the mention!!! And thanks for your advice yesterday on Jordan! Have a great day!