My Layouts

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Happiness is a warm puppy

Or rather, sleeping dogs. The old man went to a birthday party last night and did the responsible thing, didn't drive home. So I had the bed to myself. Well actually, I woke up with both dogs sleeping next to me. It's not unusual to have Jazi sleep with me, but Carmen rarely ever does. With the cold autumn morning, the extra body heat was just what the doctor ordered.

Last night, SBB had a welcome to the store chat with Penny of Penny's Miscellany Designs. There was a really good turn out and we all had a good time with her freebie ad on kit and good chat. I usually hit the daytime chats there while I'm at work and try to make myself stay awake for the night chats, but usually don't make it that long. Amy Blesser's Rock the Template on Thur. nights at 11:15 is one I wish I could make on a more regular basis. Her templates rock! I always make the Scrapbrat chat on Tues. at 2 pm with Fantacy. It's always a great time. I didn't do the challenge this week though.

I still haven't figured out how to put my blinkies on the side of the blog. I thought that someone had explained how at the Stone Accent Studios forum, but couldn't find it. They just had their grand opening. You should check out the site here.

On a sports note, My Buckeyes won yesterday against Washington. It was a bad first half, but boy that must have been some halftime speech. The win gives Coach Tressel his 200 at Ohio State, which is awesome since he has only been the coach there since 2001. GO BUCKS! The Nascar race is at New Hampshire today. There are only 10 races left this season.

Well I can't decide if I should go back to sleep or scrap. Scrappin will most likely win out. Until next time. Have a great day!

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