My Layouts

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Grand Opening and don't forget about a chat

Happy Saturday!!!!!

Hope your weekend is off to a smashing start. I finally got a start on the 2008 calanders that I'm working on for family. I'm using Amy Bleser's Calander template. Let me tell you it's making this a breeze. You can pick it up at Scrapbook-Bytes here.
Here's the first page I have done. Shutterfly was having a contest and I won a free calander so I need to get the rest of the months done before I leave for my vacation next month.

Yeah!!! It's finally here. I've been playing with this secret for awhile now. I'm so glad I don't have to keep quite anymore. Heather Manning has opened her own store!!!!
Make sure you stop by and check it out. She's having a fab sale to celebrate! Look at her grab bags. You can see what you're getting. I think this is a wonderful idea. How often have you picked up a grab bag and gotten things you either already have or will never use. Well take a look at what she has. One is for commercial use! So all you designers out there, run don't walk over to check it out.
Remember the QP I was giving away to all who played the game? Well it was made with items from the grab bag. Heather also has a special surprise for everyone who stops by today and tomorrow. Don't forget her chat on Wed. at DST. She has a fab surprise for all who attend.

Speaking of chats, Tallula Moon Designs Kelli is hosting the My Favorite Things chat over at 3 Scrapateers tonight at 9 pm EST. I hope you'll stop by and say hi. The participation freebie is a wonderful fall set. You can see some of it in the ad I made below.
Kelli also has the Scrap A Deal chat going on right before Heather's chat on Wed. night. Kelli's chat will be at 3 Scrapateers. Anyone who attends both chats will get a special prize from me. I hope you'll come out to support both of these great ladies!
Wow, time flies on Saturday mornings. I still gotta go into work for a few hours. Once I get into the office, I'll check on any freebies and add them in.
One last thing, GO Bucks!!!!!
Today is Homecoming at Ohio State and the big game is this afternoon (Thank God I'll be home from work by then!) against the Michigan State. We are favored big, but with the way the season has gone for so many in the top 10, it's screwy, you never know what's going to happen. Our destiny is in our own hands. Win out, go to the championship. It's a long ways away and there's a BIG bullseye on our back, but I believe!

Until next time, scrap happy!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Finally Friday!!

Morning all!
We'll here in the midwest, there was some WILD weather over the last 24 hours. If you're in this part of the world, I hope that you and yours are safe and unaffected. We were under a tornado watch all night, but I didn't even hear any thunder last night, so it was mild where I'm at. My heart goes out to those areas that really got socked.

Lookie what I got!!! Kristine had this nice surprise for me on her fab blog yesterday. You really need to go check out her blog. She's hysterical and is always good for making me laugh first thing in the morning. She also gets my early bird Humpday Hunnies award for always having her freebie up FIRST thing in the morning. I dedicate my morning dork dance to you.

EDITED!!! The contest is over, Heather spilled her secret. If you want to find out what it is, run don't walk to her blog.
See this cool QP? This is what you get just for sending me a guess as to what you think Heather's secret is. I'll have my last clue for you in just a minute, but I have to share what I think was the most hysterical guess (and it was really a good guess given the things that are being released). I'm sure that Heather is extremely happy to know that this is NOT her secret. This guess was that she's pregnant. bwahahaaa. NO Heather is NOT pregnant. I don't need her to think I'm starting any rumors. But isn't that hysterical? It was based on the Pink & Blue kits being released and the guess a name for the Monkey contest. Great guess isn't it. Ok, here's the last clue for this contest. Tomorrow the secret will be announced. I'm sticking with Song Titles. This one's just a little more current than yesterdays.

"Bye, Bye, Bye" by the BackStreet Boys
Think you know? Shoot me an email at Carjaziscraps "at" gmail "dot" com with your answer. Winners will be randomly drawn from all correct answers tomorrow and your goodies will be emailed to you on Sunday. (I have to work tomorrow morning so I don't have access to a lot of stuff at that office) Make sure you check back tomorrow for the big reveal.
Here's Heather's new kit Dirt Don't Hurt- It's a Pink Thang. It will be available soon.

Don't forget to join me for the My Favorite Things Chat with Kelli from Tallula Moon tomorrow night at 3 Scrapateers. You can get some of this great kit that I made this ad with. Last time we had a great time. It's at 9 pm EST. I hope to see you there.

On to the freebie list for today. As always I will edit to add once I get to work. Please remember if you download to leave some lovin! I don't understand why more people just don't say Thanks while they're waiting for the file to upload. Better yet, leave em a note on their blog.

It's Homecoming weekend at Ohio State. The big game this week is against Michigan State. Should be a great one! Of course now that we're no 1 in the rankings, we have a big bullseye on our back and every team from now on out will want to prove something. That's why as my BF says. "October's for pretenders, November's for contenders." It's his favorite saying this time of year.

And I leave you with a little funny. This is a snapshot into my life.

Until next time, scrap happy!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chats & contests

Hi there!

Well, I figured out how to do something new last night in PSE5. Now for most people, this is not something new. But remember I'm new at all this (since July) and self taught. Here, let me show you.
Isn't that cool? Isn't she cute. That's my niece. You'll see more of her soon, I just got her 3 month pictures. There will be a few layouts coming from these wonderful shots. My brother's a pretty good photographer in his own right, and spares no expense on his equipment. But it makes me scream, they have a perfectly good copy of photoshop and don't use it. This blows my mind, especially since my SIL is a paper scrapper. Well after seeing these examples, maybe she'll learn it.

Ok, enough about me. Let's get on to the chats & contests. Let's do the contests first. Many of you know that I know a secret. Now I thought that yesterday's clue was non existent, but I actually let slip a big part of this secret. Now, I ran some things through my busy little mind and came up with song titles to lead you to the next clue. I love 70's music. It's good songwriting, well ok Disco Duck wasn't, but you know what I mean. It takes me back to a time that was carefree, my childhood. So here's a few song titles that may just help you put together this secret I'm keeping.

"Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac and "All By Myself" by Eric Carmen.

Think you know what the secret is? Shoot me an email with your answer to

carjaziscraps "at" gmail "dot" com. There are some terrific prizes to be given away and every guess gets a goodie. What do you have to lose????

Heather has another great contest going on over at her site. Check it out.

Stop by her site AFTER you finish reading this post to play the game.

Tallula Moon Designs has released this adorable kit for the Scrap A Deal chat over at 3 Scrapateers. It's a neat concept. You buy the first half of the kit for a special price, $2.00 ; attend the chat on Oct 24th at 10 pm EST time, post a layout and then get the other half of the kit free. Here's the first part of the kit.

That Wed. night is a popular night for chats. Heather's having one at DST at 11 EST too. You really don't want to miss either of them. Lots of fun and lots of goodies!! hint, hint.

Oh yeah, remember the problems I was having with Blogger, well they were down for a bit yesterday, so I thought that maybe I alerted them to a major issue. Well, it was all me that messed up. I didn't have my settings right. Duh. But they're fixed and I'm back to the easy way of doing things with my freebie previews. Yeah. But the problem with doing this before I go to work, is it's 7 am and not too many freebies up on the blogs yet. So as always, here's what I have and I'll add once I get to work.

Those are the only ones I have for you right now. Guess it doesn't pay to be the early bird.

Let me leave you with one more thing. This is hysterical. Ok, it won't let me show the photo, but click here for a laugh.

Until next time, scrap happy!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's Humpday- that means freebies!!!

Hi there,

Well I seem to be surviving my sinus issues ok. Thanks so much to everyone who popped by yesterday with your well wishes. I appreciate it very much. Let's see, so much to talk about today. Where to start? Oh, did you notice I have a new blog header???? Thanks so much to Amy Bleser and her fabulous templates (available at SBB), DaniB Designs for the use of her leashes and Dawne Ladybug Graphix for her paw print. The picture, if you weren't sure about it is a close up of my two dogs, Jazi (she's the one you see) and Carmen. And to the left side is a fabulous website that is funded by the number of hits it gets. So click on it to fund a mammogram for uninsured women. Further down is the Animal Shelter Fund. That's a must for me and any other dog lovers out there. They send food to major shelters. Check it out, it's a great concept.

Ok, time to come up with another clue about this secret I know. Ummmmm....well, you already know it's a little dirty, but that's NOT it. Um...There's gonna be some goodies spread around. (but that's not a clue is it?) Well, I'll keep thinking of a good clue, but if you think you may know what it is, email me at carjaziscraps "at" gmail "dot" com. Don't forget to check out Heather's blog and snag the monkey too. All us girls are looking for the fan blinkie at various sites.

Tallula Moon Designs is doing the Scrap a Deal chat over at 3 scrapateers on Wed. 24th. You can purchase the new kit, Be Happy in the store there for only $2.00, post a layout in the gallery and you get the second half of the kit for free. There will also be freebies at the chat.

Here's a layout I did with the kit.

And here's the freebie preview for today. There may be some from yesterday mixed in as I didn't see what was out there too much yesterday.

Blogger's acting up and not doing my previews the way I'm used to, so I'll also list the sites. Kristine's Place

Lindsay Jane Designs

KimB's Designs

Ladybug graphix

I'll be grabbing more for you at work. The skies just let loose and it's a downpour. People here don't know how to drive in any type of precipitation. So I better leave now. Check back for add'l freebies.

Purple Frog Pizzazz

Pillowgirl scraps

Ok is anyone else having issues with Blogger? It's acting wacky with the previews. Instead of images it's giving hmtl code in the previews. It's making it extremely difficult to post the previews.

So go and check out these links for the humpday hunnies freebies:
Sondra Scraps
Designs by Heather Manning

Also check out Heather's blog for a contest and maybe even a clue to mine here.

Ok, until next time, scrap happy!!!
Hi there,

This is going to be short & very boring. No previews today, no freebies today just lots of tissues & fluids and sleep. I don't know if it's the flu or sinuses (most likely sinuses) but really not feeling all that great. Now I'm fortunate, if I don't feel all that great, I just take a sick day. I really don't know how those of you with children, especially younger children do this when your sick. My hat's off to you! But what's got me going this morning is a snotty supervisor with a major attitude. No "feel better" or "go see a Dr." just "oh" in that tone. It's not like I take off of work all the time. grrrr. Anyway, I'm going to crawl back into bed and sleep. Hopefully I'll feel much better this afternoon. I got pictures of my brother's family that they took. My niece's 3 month photos and it's a family affair. They are adorable and I can't wait to start playing with them.

Thanks for stopping by and we'll see you tomorrow with the humpday hunnies freebies and all those I missed today.

Until next time- scrap happy!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action DayToday is Blog Action Day and bloggers all around the world are uniting to speak on 1 common theme. The enviornment. We all know the figures, heard the statsitics but how many of us truly pay attention to them? When I first saw the info on this day, I thought yeah great I can put it on my blog and say a few things about how digiscrapping is saving trees because there's not much paper output. Well I did some checking and listening to the news. Yeah, we're not killing trees with digiscrapping, we'rehelping to quickly fill up the Earth's unused spaces. Did you know that there are an estimated 55 million computer monitors in landfills? These don't breakdown, they'll be there forever. There's lead and other minerals in monitors that is leading several states like California and New Hampshire into looking at banning them from regular landfills. So think about it when you upgrade next time. Do you really need a new monitor? What can you do with the old one? Is there a charity that can make use of it? Is there a recycle center that is capable of proper disposal? Don't just dump the monitor in the trash, think about the enviornment and the generations to come. For more on recyling please click Recycle Now

Ok, on the freebies. Here's a little word art I did. It's quotes from songs about love.
You can download it by clicking on preview or here. If you download it, please leave me a little love and if you should find an opportunity to use it, I would love to see the results, email me a link.

Ok let's see who else has freebies up today. Ok so Blogger's down and wont' let me upload any previews. But go check out LadyBug Graphix and PurpleFrog Pizzazz to pick up their freebies.
Click on the preview to go to Andrea's blog to grab her great freebie. Megan has a wonderful glitter style (it's too bad I can't get the preview) that shouldn't be missed. I'll try to update more once I get to work. I hope that blogger get's it's act together.
Until next time-scrap happy!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Woo Hoo! We're no. 1

Hey there!
I enjoyed every minute (well not when he cried) of my time with my cousin's son. We had a blast and he was wonderful for me. I usually see him 1/2 hour before bedtime and he's often cranky and not very alert. I took a ton of pictures. We watched the Ohio State game (more on that it a minute), Baby Einstein and I got caught up on Grey's Anatomy. (not a big Izzy fan, hate what they've done with her character) I was sad to see him go back home. I did have a major headache, most likely from not eating and a little bit of hormones so I didn't go down to the campground to be with the old man & dogs (oh I miss them sooooo much). But I did scrap like crazy. My cousin asked me if I would so some for her to print off to take down to the hospital to put in her BF's room. They're simple, it was easy and I had fun. Isn't that what scrapping's all about? Here are my two faves.
Credits: Candy Apples papers by Heather Manning, frame by KimB Designs, alpha (one of my winnings) by Kelly Sauvage, ribbons by Ztampf!, heart & brad by Lawanna Dejardin.

Baby Blues by Sarah VanDyke - one of the generous prizes from the SBB queen of chatter contest. Isn't he a cutie pie. I love that age because they always look so different in every picture. Poor little guy is teething though. I give major props to those of you with little ones who get so much scrapping and designing done. I literally only had 1/2 hour of down time the entire afternoon.

After a blow out over Kent State, as predicted here, it appears that we have inherited the number 1 spot in the rankings of College Football!!! In stunning upsets, both no 1 LSU and No. 2 Cal lost today. What a wacky season for football. Now our destiny is in our hands. And we have some tough, tough games coming up. As usual, it most likely will come down to the greatest rivalry in college football. The OSU-Michigan game. I swear that Columbus comes to a stop on the day of that game. But that game is still 6 weeks away. We need to focus on the next game only. Especially now that there's a big ole bullseye on our backs.
I refuse to talk about Nascar as long as Jeff Gordon continues to win.
Since it's 1:30 am here (headache and caffeine keeping me up) there will be no freebie list for today. If you normally have freebies on your site & I usually pick em up, I'll have them here for you on Monday along with mine. I promised the old man I'd drive down to the campground tomorrow. It's almost time to close it up for the season. But I do want to show you what I found. I love templates! I have a gazillion of them I haven't even started to play with. I have a calender I have to get done soon or I'll lose my Shutterfly prize. Anyway, as you may know, I have the most boring header to this blog. Well that's about to change! As soon as I find the photo I want (I'm hoping it's on my work computer) it will be updated. But check this out!

Amy Bleser did a template pack of just blog headers! It's amazing, especially for those of us with no design talent. Heck I wouldn't even have known the size to make it. So if you don't have one or are looking to change yours and want an easy way out (I'm all about easy) click on the preview to go to Scrapbook-Bytes. It's her forum ad and gives you all the info. Keep an eye out for my new header, coming this week.
I've had 1 official guess on the secret I'm keeping. If you think you know what it may be, email me at carjaziscraps "at" gmail "dot" com. Keep in mind that everyone who plays along will get a little something. More details to follow.
Until next time, scrap happy!