My Layouts

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's Humpday- that means freebies!!!

Hi there,

Well I seem to be surviving my sinus issues ok. Thanks so much to everyone who popped by yesterday with your well wishes. I appreciate it very much. Let's see, so much to talk about today. Where to start? Oh, did you notice I have a new blog header???? Thanks so much to Amy Bleser and her fabulous templates (available at SBB), DaniB Designs for the use of her leashes and Dawne Ladybug Graphix for her paw print. The picture, if you weren't sure about it is a close up of my two dogs, Jazi (she's the one you see) and Carmen. And to the left side is a fabulous website that is funded by the number of hits it gets. So click on it to fund a mammogram for uninsured women. Further down is the Animal Shelter Fund. That's a must for me and any other dog lovers out there. They send food to major shelters. Check it out, it's a great concept.

Ok, time to come up with another clue about this secret I know. Ummmmm....well, you already know it's a little dirty, but that's NOT it. Um...There's gonna be some goodies spread around. (but that's not a clue is it?) Well, I'll keep thinking of a good clue, but if you think you may know what it is, email me at carjaziscraps "at" gmail "dot" com. Don't forget to check out Heather's blog and snag the monkey too. All us girls are looking for the fan blinkie at various sites.

Tallula Moon Designs is doing the Scrap a Deal chat over at 3 scrapateers on Wed. 24th. You can purchase the new kit, Be Happy in the store there for only $2.00, post a layout in the gallery and you get the second half of the kit for free. There will also be freebies at the chat.

Here's a layout I did with the kit.

And here's the freebie preview for today. There may be some from yesterday mixed in as I didn't see what was out there too much yesterday.

Blogger's acting up and not doing my previews the way I'm used to, so I'll also list the sites. Kristine's Place

Lindsay Jane Designs

KimB's Designs

Ladybug graphix

I'll be grabbing more for you at work. The skies just let loose and it's a downpour. People here don't know how to drive in any type of precipitation. So I better leave now. Check back for add'l freebies.

Purple Frog Pizzazz

Pillowgirl scraps

Ok is anyone else having issues with Blogger? It's acting wacky with the previews. Instead of images it's giving hmtl code in the previews. It's making it extremely difficult to post the previews.

So go and check out these links for the humpday hunnies freebies:
Sondra Scraps
Designs by Heather Manning

Also check out Heather's blog for a contest and maybe even a clue to mine here.

Ok, until next time, scrap happy!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better Diane. Love that new header for the blog looks great! I posted your layout on my blog, so be sure to take a look! Great list of freebies-as usual....have a great day, and try not to get chilled with the don't need to make yourself sicker.. :) See you tomorrow!

absolutartist1 said...

Mornin'! Good to know the issue isn't as bad today!

Cool new header!! I'll be stopping back tonight to grab those freebies!

Kristine said...

Morning Diane!!! Glad to hear your kicking the snot fairy to the curb!!! I wonder how she would like it if you took her booger wand and swatted her in the arse with it!! LOL

Feel better soon! Mwah! (I'm kissing you even though you have cooties...) ROFL!!!

Amanda said...

Cool Freebies, this is my first visit. Hope you feel better soon. Sinus issues suck!

Leigh said...

Hey Diane! Glad you're feeling better! Your lo is very schweet! TFS!

Anonymous said...

Diane! I LOVE your new header! And I'm glad your feel better too! Mine has moved to my ear. I'm leaking on the right side. LOL

Great freebies! Have a great day girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Header, Diane!!
I know how you feel with the sinus thing ... I'm constantly running an infection! :P Miserable!
Hope you feel even better today!

Anonymous said...

Ah, man all those cool freebies make me long for simpler times when I didn't have this design contest hanging around my neck! No, it's fun. But I don't have time for fun freebie hunting.
I am all atwitter wondering what Heather's got up her sleeve! I'm sure it's fun!
Glad you're feeling better! Take care, woman!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better,Diane! And beautiful freebies:)

Have a great day and take care!