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Monday, October 15, 2007

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action DayToday is Blog Action Day and bloggers all around the world are uniting to speak on 1 common theme. The enviornment. We all know the figures, heard the statsitics but how many of us truly pay attention to them? When I first saw the info on this day, I thought yeah great I can put it on my blog and say a few things about how digiscrapping is saving trees because there's not much paper output. Well I did some checking and listening to the news. Yeah, we're not killing trees with digiscrapping, we'rehelping to quickly fill up the Earth's unused spaces. Did you know that there are an estimated 55 million computer monitors in landfills? These don't breakdown, they'll be there forever. There's lead and other minerals in monitors that is leading several states like California and New Hampshire into looking at banning them from regular landfills. So think about it when you upgrade next time. Do you really need a new monitor? What can you do with the old one? Is there a charity that can make use of it? Is there a recycle center that is capable of proper disposal? Don't just dump the monitor in the trash, think about the enviornment and the generations to come. For more on recyling please click Recycle Now

Ok, on the freebies. Here's a little word art I did. It's quotes from songs about love.
You can download it by clicking on preview or here. If you download it, please leave me a little love and if you should find an opportunity to use it, I would love to see the results, email me a link.

Ok let's see who else has freebies up today. Ok so Blogger's down and wont' let me upload any previews. But go check out LadyBug Graphix and PurpleFrog Pizzazz to pick up their freebies.
Click on the preview to go to Andrea's blog to grab her great freebie. Megan has a wonderful glitter style (it's too bad I can't get the preview) that shouldn't be missed. I'll try to update more once I get to work. I hope that blogger get's it's act together.
Until next time-scrap happy!


Maria said...

Thank you! The DigiFree freebie search engine is about to list this blog post at

Leigh said...

Hey Diane! Great info on computer monitors. We have a store in town that buys our old stuff and recycles it or disposes of it properly. So that is cool! TFS!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the heads up on pc monitors. We also donate our old stuff I would never throw it away if it can be used or recycled. TFS :)

Anonymous said...

Hi girl! Great information as always! and thanks for the "honorable mention"..See you later, and have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Great info Diane! Also, people can joing freecyle ( and post their computer parts they don't need anymore. People would be happy to come take them off of their hands!

Have a great Monday! I'll talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

Those are some beautiful freebies,Dianne! :) And such great info for the Blog Action Day:)

Thanks for passing by!

absolutartist1 said...

Whoo-Hoo! You got picked up by DigiFree early! I'll have to remember to come back after I get home to dl.

Ok, so now I know I REALLY need to get a hold of one of my ex-coworkers to get rid of the pcs I'm not using...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot about Blog Action day. Ratz. And can you believe this is from somebody who used to work for Greenpeace? Oh well. Thanks for taking part, every little open eye or ear helps.
Thanks again for listing me. I owe you a cookie. A dozen cookies!