My Layouts

Sunday, December 9, 2007

How was your weekend?

Hope it was a good one. What'd ya do? Me, not much of anything fun. Well, ok some fun. Had lunch with Shan's aunts on Saturday, so it was a good meal and I've had to work the last few holiday get together that they've had. It was good to see everyone and be seen.

How do you do your back ups? Do you back up monthly, weekly or whenever you feel it would majorly mess up your life and scrapping if you *gasp* crash (God forbid). I bought the new computer in August after my old one showed signs of crashing and my CD burner wouldn't burn. I didn't back anything up but hopefully if I get around to getting the right cables transferring the thousands of photos and millions of freebie files. Anyway, I decided that I needed to clean up my current computer and back up my files. The photos only took 3 discs. The files took me 10 discs, 3 hours (at least) and I'm only to the L's. Heather's files alone took up 1 3/4 discs. I'm out of discs for now. I'm sure that I'll end up downloading more files between now and when I remember to get new discs. But at least I've started.

I feel that my mojo's lost somewhere and I'm digging deep to get any layouts done. Actually, I'm attributing my mojo loss to my smoking cessation program. Basically I'm missing the smoking and designing. I'd sit here at the computer, smoke and move stuff around, smoke and put em back, smoke and decide I was done. SBB had an avatar challenge back in September asking what was required for you to scrap and my avatar was a pack of Marlbaro Lights and a Diet Coke. Now it's just diet coke. It's not enough to make me start back up. It's been 6 weeks. But it seems that it's just so much harder for me.

I did a few layouts over the weekend. This one I really liked. My dad just lit up whenever he held Emily. This was from her first Christmas and it was such a blessed day. This year will be the first without him, but it'll be Addi's first so I think we'll be ok.

These 2 were done for challenges over at DSO. The first one is for Andrea's lyric challenge. The other one was for the I can't believe you scrapped that?! challenge. I got to use Heather's Flashy New Year, but I called it the wrong name when I uploaded. Bad CT member!

But I love this kit and have been racking my brain trying to find a picture that will do it justice. I gave up, I don't know where it is. So I did the next best thing, I planned for one that hopefully I'll take this year. (but it won't be flashy cuz we usually stay home - it's safer). Heather, being the generous person she is letting me give to you, FREE, the QP I made with her fab kit. Now I mention it's free, but nothing in life really is, I'm asking you to stop by her blog and thank her for her generosity. Here's the link to her blog.

Link for the QP has expired.
You can get the QP by clicking the preview or here. And make sure you stop by and check out Heather's new and improved store. She's got it up and running again and it looks FABULOUS!
And watch for a sale of some sort from her. And check back tomorrow, there'll be another QP from her kit.
So until next time, scrap happy!!!!


Anonymous said...

Love that QP!!!!..Sorry I have been Absent around her..I got a lot of reading to do!!! I love those LO's, especially the one with your Dad...I lost mine 2 years ago, and since he lived with was very hard :(...remember tho...he will still be with you Christmas morning... :) Talk to you later Diane!!


Anonymous said...

That is all GORGEOUS! Both your layouts and the QP! I'll link up to it when I post later or tomorrow!

Congrats on the smoking! That is awesome!

Azrood said...

Fist of all: Congratulations on quitting smoking!!! That's a huge deal and six weeks is a huge accomplishment! I so don't have the patience for backing my stuff up to CD so I finally just bought an extra EHD and use ACDSee to Sync everything. I do it less than I should, but about once every 3 months or so. Now I need to be better about keeping my backup EHD somewhere else because if my house were to burn down today, both EHDs would be toast.

Mom2aTrio (JZDesigns) said...

Awesome on making it 6 weeks..I can agree it is SO hard because you are used to the routine...I need to back up my files too....

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE that hippo LO, it literally made me LOL! That does not happen every day! As for backups.. uh.. I'm hoping for a new EHD come tax season, and I upload most of my photos and lo's to flickr. Does that count? I know I need to do it, but.. I just never do. Agh. Thanks for reminding me, LOL!
Take care and have a happy Monday!

absolutartist1 said...

L-O! That QP is awesome!! I think I also see a completed Font Challenge for Andrea...

The sneezing stopped just before I walked out the door. I think the lawyer's receptionist would have looked at me funny otherwise! LOL

Rachel said...

BEAUTIFUL LO's! VERY pretty QP too.

(yes i love CAPS today! lol)