My Layouts

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

No more blogger at work.

So I've been having issues at work with my computer the past few days. When the IT guy called yesterday to go over things and reinstall and remove etc.. stuff, I just happened to have the site for my new blog host up. Well, later this afternoon I found that IT has blocked all Blogger based sites from my access at work. I have a feeling that forums will be next. I tried to clear out my history and stuff, but I know they have an exact printout of where I've been and such. Now I don't know why they feel that scrapping blogs are so dangerous to the server but I'm pretty sure that I've ruined it for everyone else in the company. However I doubt that anyone else is a ticked off about it as I am. I have a boring job and the only thing that makes it even remotely tolerable is my Internet access. So while I'll continue to blog I won't be by to read your during the day. I will however continue to visit my friends, nothing will stop me from my appointed rounds, lol. I just wanted to let everyone know what was up and why I'm not traveling the blog train during the day. (or at least until I figure out a way around this). I did get a domain name and started to set up a new blog. I'll let you know if I can access that one at work, not that it will matter, cuz I won't be able to read yours at work.

So it was very nice to see this from Yen yesterday on her blog. I truly adore all my regular readers and am an avid reader myself. It's nice to get to know what it going on in peoples lives. I am so majorly bummed out about this IT issue. Anyway, I would like to once again recognize Heather, Kristine & Cate. These girls are just such a part of my daily life. I can't repeat what Kristine said about my IT issue, but it at least made me chuckle. Which I believe has become her main focus in life. Cate is my lifeline on trying to figure out my Vista and PSE issues. I don't understand something, one email screaming help and the problems fixed. Heather believes in me, even when I don't believe in myself. Love ya girls~Mwah!

I thought I'd play around with Kim B's color challenge over at DSO. I don't know when it started to become a design challenge, but it seems that everyone is trying their hand at that. I think I'll stick to word art. But here is my very first attempt at papers. If you like it, snag em here.

Don't forget to stop by Heather's CT blog & leave a comment to be in the running for her newest grab bag. I'll be randomly drawing a name of everyone who leaves a comment. At least I'm getting all those at my email. lol. Ok, I know shut up and do your job.

Have a great day! I'll be missing you.


susan said...

What a bummer. I hope you find a way around it! Your papers are lovely - thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Lemme at the IT guy!!!!! Checked out the new blog...looks good!! ( I am soooo nosy...LOL)

Thank you so much for my surprise!! Made me all warm and squishy!!!

Love you Grand Poobah!!! Mwah!

Amanda said...

Dang IT. Work just has to ruin all your fun, don't they? Here's to hoping they don't take it all away.

Robin L said...

aw thats not good. Hopefully you will find your way around it. I hope your day goes fast for you.

Azrood said...

That really does stink! I'm sure there's some techy trick to getting around their block...I just don't know what it is. I'd ask my IT guy, but I'm pretty sure he'd block my access too, lol!

Kim B said...

AAAWWWW- you kidding??- that's a REAL BUMMER!!! Girl I don't know either- but I sure is having fun seeing all the results- LOL. GREAT JOB on the papers!!!
Sending you hugs and loves

Anonymous said...

What a poop head. I read your email last night, and need to get back to you! That is just wrong. (both on the blogs and me being late on emails. LOL)

I hope you can find a way around it!

Thank you!!! Your a wonderful beautiful part of my day too! I need to get over to Yen's blog. I haven't been in awhile. Bad bad bad Heather!!!!!


Jackie said...

that just really sucks rocks that you can't access blogger. When Kristine gets done with that IT goob, I want a crack at him. Have a great one Sugardoodle!!!

Unknown said...

Bummer for you about being shut out from blog sites. At hubby's work they can only visit the company website - everything else is blocked.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for you, I love your layouts on you slide.

AKA Aimeemomof2 :)

BHo said...

That just stinks. I can totally relate, unfortunately.

Pea in a Pod said...

I hope it can get fixed asap,Diane! And you deserved that:)


absolutartist1 said...

Are we TRYING to make each other cry?!?! Thanks so much, hon!