My Layouts

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The blizzard of 2008

Well, it's gone full blown blizzard here in Central Ohio. My first one in over 20 years. I don't even remember when the last time the weathermen said the word blizzard. I must have cabin fever, cuz it's a pretty snow. My back yard is all covered in white and even at 3 in the morning, it's got a bright glow to it. And it's sad but right now all I can think is, "damn, why did I let him take my camera to Florida?" Yep, that's sad isn't it. The biggest snowstorm of the decade and I don't have a camera to take pictures of it or my dogs playing in it. Yesterday when I got home from work they had a blast playing in it while I shoveled the walk. This morning, they weren't too happy about it as its too deep for them to do their business. I'm gonna have to get the shovel out just so they can pee. And I would say that Karma is bitting me in the butt, cuz it's Saturday and not my turn to work~ they're gonna have to close the office today. It's not safe to drive. But I can't bitch too much. I'm so very, very thankful that it did happen this weekend and not next weekend for 2 very important reasons. 1 is that Shannon's flying home on Friday and 2 is that my mom & brother's family are all coming down to spend the weekend at a waterpark hotel near here. It's the anniversary of losing dad and if I was a wreck on his birthday, I can only imagine how I'll be then. But having the girls around helps me and I know that those girls are moms reason for going on. So let it snow now cuz I want dry roads and just a little sunshine next weekend.

Well, I got my PSE to where I can scrap some. Look at what I did last night. I had bought all this stuff from Megan for her birthday sale and really didn't get much of a chance to use it and then I picked up her grab bag. I must stop shopping!!!

This one uses Lindsay Jane Designs Breath of Spring collection. It's available at SBB. I had picked up several of her new kits and haven't had a chance to use them or the big SBB collab kit I got too. I'm so far behind.

More Flergs stuff.

Well, I'm thinking that i'm going to go crawl back in bed under the covers with my doggies for awhile. Then I'm sure I'll need to go shovel. Cate I feel for you girl. If this is normal for your area, I'd move. I hope that Barb and Jamie to the south of me didn't get it too badly and that everyone is safe. Stay warm and scrap happy!!!


Petra said...

wow good luck with that blizzard...luckily we never have those over here :) So can't imagine what it would be like!

Love the pages and that first one is really too cute! TFS

Have a great weekend! Hugs!

Barb said...

We're getting SLAMMED down's not quite 8am and we've got about a foot so far, with about six more inches to go. They've declared a L3 snow emergency, which means that you can only drive it's a true emergency. I'm going to scrap all day, take some pictures (you can borrow mine if you'd like!), and EAT! Maybe I'll check my credit score...heh. Nah!

debra said...

well you've been busy... love your new layouts... and glad you got the blizzard this weekend rather than next. Enjoy being snowed in!

Amanda said...

Great layouts. LMAO @ "I must stop shopping." Check out my blog today.

Jeannette said...

Wow, I haven't seen a real blizzard for a long time. I think I'd cry if I didn't have my camera when it finally hit.

Love that layout with the angel wings! Too cute.

Anonymous said...

ROFL I can see your dogs trying to do their business. I remember when I had a rat terrier and it would snow. Poor thing was so low to the ground it was impossible. LOL

No snow here yet today. YAY!

Gorgeous layouts!!!!!

absolutartist1 said...

LOL We "normally" only get up to a foot at a time at my house. Some of the surrounding areas get it much worse. Get yourself a disposable camera for the week silly! We're getting hit today as well, but not horrible yet. There is a travel advisory, but as the boss is in VT and my co-worker is shooting a skating club today it's just me to open the office that will probably remain empty for the 4 hrs!! ROFL

I remembered to post my 7!! And, forgot to tag so I had to go back! LOL I'm so goofy! Than Andrea tagged me as well so I guess I'll have to come up with another 7 for tomorrow. Maybe I'll use these 14 for my ADSR #4 LO... PHEW!

Stay warm and safe! [hugs]

DawnMarch said...

I love a good blizzard once in a while -- as long as that snow doesn't stick around too long afterward. Not that we get much snow here in AZ! It's sunny and 70 here today, so I feel for all of you stuck in the house!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, look at that naked baby.. Oh goodness! I just love little naked baby.
It's spring here. Weird. I don't feel like you're that far away from each other.

Kristine said...

Hi sweety!!!! We got hammered too. Steve is thrilled. Me? Not so much...LOL

Stay warm inside and give yourself a squish from me to you...


AfriDigiDiva said...

I absolutely LOVE the layouts