My Layouts

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A little vacation, sick days & challenges (or a whole lot of nothing)

Well I got Shannon on his plane yesterday, so my vacation has officially started. Since I got up at 5 am yesterday morning to do this, I was just about out of it all day yesterday. I got some stuff uploaded that I bought on sale, rearranged a few of my files and started a layout. Too tired to make it work right. So I watched the girls on American Idol and then was fast asleep. I feel like I have the flu. So now this morning I'm debating how much I want to go to work. Ok, that's not the debate, it's how badly do I want to use up my remaining sick time. They're forcasting 7 - 9 inches of snow for tomorrow (and that's now, it'll change by the time it comes. Our weatherguys are all doom & gloom).

There are several blog challenges out there that I want you to remember. The quote challenge over at Heather's CT Blog. It's a great quote. Please stop by and play. Also over at Cherie Shields new CT blog we have a terrific challenge. Do a layout about a Life Changing moment. 1 person who posts a layout and links it to the blog will win a $10 GC to Cherie's store. Also don't forget Cherie's Rock My Desktop challenge over at Gotta Pixel. She's picked a great spring inspiration for March. And keep an eye on Heather's Manning's blog, there's something brewing for tomorrow. It's top secret I think, cuz I don't know what's going on but I think it's gonna be big!

That's about it for scrap news for me. I figure if I do stay home I'll stop by your blog earlier than my new night visits now for those of you on Blogger or Wordpress. If not, catch you tonight. Of course tonight is Island night, lol. Survivor & LOST. Which means that I won't get much scraping done. Sheesh, another reason to *cough, cough* make that phone call. lol.

Have a great day!


Angie said...

I would love a whole lot of nothing :)

Kristine said...

Coughing all over your blog hoping to pass along imaginary cooties...LMAO

Amanda said...

Keep your cooties over there. We have enough over here LOL. I totally remember the deabtes about using sick time. Enjoy your shows tonight!

Anonymous said...

Aw! i hope you feel better!

Yep, it's a brewing. I haven't told anyone. LOL Shhhhh! I have to work hard today to get it done! LOL

Barb said...

I hope you're feeling better, Diane! We're supposed to get more snow tonight as well. Another day where I'm supposed to be in the office and dd will be home off school again. Jeez. Enough already!

Sawyer night. Get the drool rag ready.

Lisa Joy said...

I love whole lot of nothings.
Hope you have a great dat.

DawnMarch said...

There sure are a lot of bugs going around! Sorry to hear you are sick and hope you are feeling better soon! I'll be glued to Lost tonight too.

AfriDigiDiva said...

LOL, I thought I was the only one that schedule my day around my TV habit. Everyone knows not to bother me while House is on!

absolutartist1 said...

Hmmm... guessing you decided to bite the bullet and go in! LOL Hope your day went ok. I'd really like to be in the know about tomorrow as well... I'm thinking it may be something to do with the beginning of ADSR... I have to try to stay up tomorrow night for a chat for that. And, our first challenge is posted Sunday! AHHH! Starting to get a little nervous. [hugs]

Kim B said...

TOOOT TOOOOT- and *cough cough*- I feel like phoning in sick too- hahaha Only problem is I'LL have to answer the phone- ROTF!!
Sounds like you need a REST girl!
Sending the early morning Train hugs

Unknown said...

Just passing thru on the DSO blog train...I also can't miss Idol, it is one of my favorites :) . Hope you are feeling better soon!