My Layouts

Thursday, January 31, 2008

LOST, layouts and make me stop complaining

Mornin all. It's early (at least for me) and I'm stuffed up and mad as hell about it. The old lady I work with last Friday was getting sick. She missed the first 2 days of work this week, but came in yesterday all hacking and sniffleing and generally still pretty sick. She didn't want to miss another day of work cuz then she'd have had to go and see the Dr. And she's too cheap for that. Thanks a lot! Now I'm gonna get it. I'm supposed to go up and see my nieces and if I'm sick, that's not gonna happen and I'm gonna be madder than a hornet. And there hasn't been any measurable snow in weeks and guess what's coming in tonight after midnight? Yep, a snowstorm. So I'm gonna have to listen to Shannon go on and on about how it's not safe for me to be driving. All I want is to see those little girls.

I've been complaining a lot haven't I? I guess I really shouldn't. Things are good here. I've got my terrific full time and wonderful guest CT gigs and tons of photos to scrap. Plus the mojo's been pretty good, even if I'm hard on myself. I guess I just need some sunshine. So don't let me complain anymore. Threaten to stop reading my blog if I don't stop. Or something like that. hehe.

So I posted at DST about grab bags, cuz I know that this is the time of month they usually come out. Heather did hers last week and I think that by doing it earlier she grabbed a lot of attention. Plus we rak'd a lot of people with it. It was AWESOME and I'm so glad that I get to play with her stuff. I saw the preview for Kiki's and I am just sooooo excited that I'm a guest for her this month and next. There are some wonderful items in there and I hope to be able to introduce you all more to her designs. Her's should be released tomorrow and I believe it will be over at PWD. I'll let you know more tomorrow about it. Anyway, back to the DST thread. Someone had mentioned that Lauraskathi had one at the Funky Playground. She was one of the digi sponsors at SDD so I'm familiar with her work and picked it up. Boy was it BIG! I haven't opened it yet, but there were 11 different downloads. The grab bags was something I really liked at OAKS and miss very much.
Here's my first LO using Kiki's Sandy Cove kit. It's available at SBE. It's perfect for my Florida photos. I've got another one sitting in PSE, but I'm not sure if it's finished. You know how that goes, don't ya? So maybe you'll see it tomorrow or sometime next week.
Tonight something is happening that I've been waiting for since my birthday last May. And I am over the moon that it's finally here. The season premier of LOST. It's been a long time and I was so upset that they were holding off the premier until mid season and with the writter's strike, there are only 8 episodes, but at least I get to see them!!!! I am so in love with Sawyer, the island bad boy. What a hottie! So I know I won't be getting any scrapping done tonight.
Watch for a new challenge that I'm running tomorrow. It's gonna be a good one.
I'm gonna go crawl back into bed with my doggies for awhile. Hope you all have a good day!
PS. Blogger's been acting up lately and spellcheck isn't working. I'm sorry about any typos.


Kristine said...

Just swinging through...

I hate it when people feel compeled to bring their germs to "spread the love"...

I hope you feel better soon darlin'...I'd take the cooties if I could.

Minerva Huhn said...

My husband look around and saw your "boot" - "when do we travel there?" :) Good work!

Petra said...

well, I think ym germs are finally leaving my body...caught this nasty flu on friday and well..I hate to be sick and to stay at home. Feel much better today, so decided to go back to work tomorrow! :) Being sick isn't just all that and hope it will pass soon or even better, won't affect you at all! So take care and drink a good cup of hot Tea! :)

Great page...tfs!

take it easy! hugs!

absolutartist1 said...

Awww,hon! Hope you aren't actually sick. Maybe it'll just be a sinus issue????(We hope?!)

Anywho - we all need to complain sometimes. Not sure my blog posts have been the brightest lately either! LOL

Hope your day gets better! [hugs]

Lori said...

Hope you are feeling better soon - what a bummer!

Barb said...

Everybody in my office is sick too. Ugh. I hate that. long we've waited to see that bad boy once more! Yeah, baby. I had almost forgotten....

SarahG said...

Oh there is nothing nastier than hearing someone hack up their phlegm in close proximity to you...eeeewwww....sorry you had to inhale her nasty germs, I hope it passes right through you and get well enough to visit your nieces.

I think you will start feeling alot better now that your "show" is back on, it sure is the pits waiting around for them to come back on the air, I'd be grumpy too!

Have a Great Day!

Anonymous said...

Hey woman. don't worry about not calling me back, it's ok. I'm just a little bit stressed right now.

I hope you feel better and don't completely come down with it. Pato's been fighting it for a couple of days now. So far so good, I haven't gotten it.

Gorgeous gorgeous layout!

Stay safe no matter what you do this weekend!!!!!

Azrood said...

Yay, LOST is coming back!!! See me doing my happy dance? I can't believe you're stealing all of our snow! We're supposed to only get rain. That's just not fair. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh congrats on the guest spot with Kiki! She is the best. I am very interested in that grab bag of heres...I am sure it is cool.