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Monday, December 24, 2007

We wish you a Merry Christmas

Seasons Greetings!!!!
I hope that you all are enjoying your holiday season. I am having a wonderful time with the kids. They grow up so fast. And I've discovered a new found respect for mothers with 3 year old daughters. I volunteered to give Em a bath. How hard can it be? Well, it's been 25 years since I've baby sat and obviously I've forgotten the "I can do it myself", "That's my job" and "NO" that goes along with bath time. Yes, the can do it themselves and it can be their job, but when it comes to getting them to actually rinse their hair, then No they don't want to do it. But then again, all you mom's already know that. Em screamed so loudly that my brother had to come upstairs to make sure I wasn't drowning his daughter. But actually I think he just wanted to rescue me and make Em get her butt in gear and get out of the bath. We had fun rolling out sugar cookies and get to frost them today. I'm so looking forward to that. I've taken at least 200 pictures so you'll get to see plenty. Hopefully this is what I've needed to get my mojo back.
Mom loves her Kitchen Aid mixer. It's sweet and now I'm thinking I need one. But I don't. Anxiously awaiting to see what fun my brother and SIL put together for me for Christmas. I'm pretty sure it involves pictures of the kids. (and I'm hoping a scanner). Shannon and I picked up 2 very nice Kitchen Aid saute pans. They're his gift to me, but he'll use them much more than I since he's the fry everything king. So far, it's been an awesome Christmas. It's been a little strange without Dad, but I truly think he's here. Just little things that have happened. Maybe it's just because I want to believe that I'm reading into it. But isn't that what Christmas is all about? Believing.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

absolutartist1 said...

So glad your holiday is going well! Those pics are sure to help the mojo... Who can resist scrapping adorable photos of kids?! LOL

Wishing you and yours the best of the holidays! [hugs]