My Layouts

Friday, December 21, 2007

This one's for you Aunt Hannah

So my Aunt Hannah forwarded me an email today. She gets lots and lots of funny emails from all her friends here in Ohio and in Florida. She's gotten and forwarded some that I've had to send her back an email with an explanation from as to why the photo or email is a hoax. I really think she hates it when I do that, but I do it to a LOT of people. My FIL got a really nasty note from me when he forwarded the Bill Gates/AOL will pay everyone lots of money hoax. Yeah, you know the one. You usually get it about once a year now cuz most people have actually heard it's a hoax. Anyway he stopped emailing me after that one. But my aunt, she's gotten pretty good about checking out the emails at but this one she didn't. So I sent her an email saying, hey it's not true, the kids not missing but thanks for sending just in case. She sent back a reply, laughing at herself and saying she was so sure on this one, but will check em out in the future. But she said she loved my blog. Well, I didn't know any of the family was reading it. So here's to you Aunt Hannah!!! These are layouts I did last weekend. They're in my slide show but I never posted em here for everyone to see.
I'm off to wrap more gifts and pack. I'll tell you what Shannon bought himself, I mean me for Christmas tomorrow. Enjoy your night.

1 comment:

Lill-B said...

That leyout with see no evil is just funny!! Really creative photo. Take care and merry christmas to you.. :)