My Layouts

Friday, December 21, 2007

The holiday is closing in fast

Hi there,

Well, I got the last of my wrapping done last night and went and grabbed the last of the gift cards I needed. My laundry is all done and all I need to do is pack up and I'm ready to take off tomorrow. I'm still searching for my holiday spirit, it's missing too. I think it and my mojo took a vacation together. So I started thinking about the holiday spirit and realized that I missed 2 important things this year. I didn't go to any holiday parties that had Buckeyes. Shannon's Aunt Sandy and my cousin Beth make the best Buckeyes I've ever had, even better than Anthony Thomas or Cheryl's Cookies. I'm seriously considering picking some up to take to my SIL cuz she loves em too and the one's they get in Michigan aren't true Buckeyes for obvious reasons. Someone had made a layout with a recipe for them that I saw on their blog yesterday and had me thinking about them. The above recipe came from a google search.
I also realized that I haven't caught ANY of the usual Christmas shows. No Rudolf, no Charlie Brown and most importantly no No Snow Miser & no Heat Miser. A Year Without A Santa Clause is hands down my favorite Holiday special. But not the movie they made of it last year. That was sooooo lame. Give me the claymation or how ever they did it. I love the songs and the theme behind it. Maybe I just didn't check the right channels, but I swear I never saw it advertised on regular TV. And you'd think with this writer's strike, they'd use as much filler as possible.
Oh I am so ready for today to be over and it hasn't even started yet. Why is it the day before a long weekend is always the longest day of the month????? So no scrapping news today. I am so out of the loop. Maybe I'll get a chance tonight to scrap since every thing's pretty much done. We're not leaving til tomorrow late morning. The weather's going to cooperate, at least for the ride up.
Wishing you peace today. Scrap happy!


Anonymous said...

I'm so ready for Christmas to be here! My kids keep asking if they can open the presents under the tree. Just one mom!

I have never had a Buckeye that wasn't under the tree at my old house, and my mom said those were poisonous. ROFL A year in Ohio and nobody ever made me a buckeye.

I'm trying to think, we've watched a couple of shows. Grandma got run over by a reindeer, frosty, but it wasn't the good frosty, some updated remake of frosty. And some show that was like Rudolph, the claymation, but it was about St Nick, and some mayor of the town who made toys illegal. LOL I don't remember which one that is.

Have a great day Diane!

Kristine said...

Just stopping in to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas filled with love and laughter and a safe and Happy New Year!

BTW, your mojo AND mine are off getting trashed on tequila...and they didnt invite us!!! Grrrrrrr...

I havent seen any Christmas shows this year either...not the same....

Have a great day Diane! Will touch base after teh holidays!!! Mwah!

Unknown said...

I have never had a buckeye, or even heard on one before today. Am I missing out?

Donna B. Miller said...

I can't believe I have so much left to do, and now I have to add making buckeyes to the list. ROFL See what you've done, Diane. :-)

Lilja said...

I can't find my Christmas spirit either - I think I left it back home in Iceland when we flew over to the States :-) Hopefully I'll find it this weekend!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
And what's a Buckeye?

Rachel said...

oh man! Can't wait to get some of my Aunt's Buckeye's! YUM! That recipe is so darn good!

BHo said...

Well, as a Wolverine grad living in Buckeyeville, we don't make those here {grin} but I sure love eating them! You can find a good recipe on

And like you, I LOVE all of those classic, Claymation christmas shows. It's just not Christmas without those cute little characters. I love Yukon Cornelius. We have friends that get out a bottle of Yukon Jack and everytime Yukon Cornelius says something, they do a shot. Now there's some good holiday cheer for you.

Go Bucks...gotta root Big Ten in the Bowl games!