My Layouts

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I told you so

Hi there,
I'm sure you remember my telling you about the Kitchen Aid mixer I got mom for Christmas. I ordered it online from Target on Sat. while at work. I had planned to go into the store and grab it, but it was snowing in the part of the city where I was working and everyone who came in was telling me that the roads were really bad and people were driving like idiots. (which happens every time it snows here in Ohio) So when I found out that they were offering free shipping and I found the 10% off coupon, it was a no brainer. I also went through and got a 4% cashback rebate, along with the $20 sign up bonus. My only concern was the possible 5 days shipping. I wasn't sure what the holiday schedule would be. I knew that I'd be there on Sat. and if we needed to go and pick it up on Monday, it would be ok. But I told my mom to be on the lookout for a package, later in the week. I started thinking about how the package would be shipped. I had marked it as a gift, but didn't pay the $5.95 for gift wrap. Since it was a gift, they'd put it in another box, right? I logged on yesterday to track the shipment. SURPRISE!!! It'd had been delivered on Tuesday night. Well I hadn't heard anything and the time that it was dropped off, mom would have been at work. So I call her at work. "I'm gonna wring your neck" were the first words out of her mouth after I said hello. That answered my question! They had just slapped the shipping label on the box. Mom knew what her Christmas gift was. I swear it took me 10 minutes to convince her I didn't spend as much as she thinks I did. After that, she was tickled pink. I think she was going to use it last night cuz she had some pies to make for a work luncheon. I could tell she was pleased.

Ok, I just want to say that Shannon is NO saint!!! Yes, he did clean my kitchen and make dinner for me on that 1 night. I think I figured out why. I missed the anniversary of our first date. Now he didn't say that was why he did it, until I asked him about it, then it was like, um yeah I wondered if you'd remember. After 8 years, there's still some controversy about what the actual date was of our first date. All I know is that it was the Sunday before Christmas that year. I go anywhere from the 18 to the 21st. Last night when I got home, he was fast asleep and nothing was done. I had to cook for him. Which was good cuz I wanted Mexican and he wanted sloppy Joe's. We had Mexican of course.

No new layouts. I tried to wrap presents last night. I just wasn't in the mood. I did manage to get quite a few done, but I still need to finish up. I really wish that someone would explain to me why the companies feel they need to make the packaging they put young children's toys in such weird shapes!!! One of the toys I got for Addi, the youngest, is by far the strangest box I've ever had the misfortune to wrap. It just looks bad. (I was trying to come up with an analogy but all were offensive to the disabled so insert your own) I don't think I ever showed you one of the adorable, but quite self serving gifts I bought the girls. I went to a big craft show and as I was leaving found this booth where the lady did kids clothing. I had picked out these for the girls.There's one for both of them. Aren't they adorable! I was looking through all the stuff she had and I found one that read "I love you a bushel and a peck and hug around the neck". That stopped me dead in my tracks and I started to cry. My Dad used to sing that to me when I was the girls age. I had pulled it together and was cashing out when I mentioned that to the artist and started crying again. She was the sweetest lady and told me that she also had just lost her father but was in CHINA with her son when it happened. Wow, that must have been so hard, not being able to attend the services. Anyway I just thought that she made the cutest things, I wish she had a website, but she said it's all she can do to keep up with the craft shows.
Well, I must get myself up and off to work. Only 2 more days. From the sounds of the weather reports between here and there, it's only gonna be rain for our travel day on Sat. Please hope for good weather for me and those who are off traveling to be with their loved ones for this holiday. Enjoy your day and scrap happy.


Kristine said...

Morning beautiful!!! I love coming to your blog! You crack me right up! You and I think alike this morning! I have a closet full of oddly shaped kid crap to wrap today....come on over and we'll get trashed, use all teh naughty analagies and laugh our pathetic rears off!!!! What do ya say?

I want to change my categories at PPP...I keep getting the same 6 things to talk about...I need to change I think....boring!!!


Amanda said...

Great deal on the mixer! I just killed another hand mixer, and hubby is thinkign I need one of those big stand things.
The shirts are too cute! I know how you feel. I was jsut thinking abtou my grandpa the other day. He's been gone 6 1/2 years now, but I still miss him horribly.
I hope the waether stays clear for your travel plans. Y'all get enough crappy weather in OH you'd think people would learn. Of course I could say the same about the drivers here in PA too. Merry Christmas!

BHo said...

A Kitchen Aid mixer is the best gift in the WORLD! I don't know what I'd do without mine. And what is it with Ohio drivers and snow? They are idiots! You should see it down here in Cincinnati, where it's hilly. Good grief!

Leigh said...

Diane - those shirts are fab! That lady really has a great idea!!!

Yes, you do have to wonder about packaging. The sad thing is that companies spend mega bucks on package design, too!

I think alot of us are ranting this time of year. I ranted myself. So rant on and don't worry about using "offensive" terms. You can't please everyone. I always just rant and then if I use something that might be offensive...I try a lil' disclaimer at the end! hehehehehe

Neverland Scraps said...

I can't believe they would ruin the surpise of the package. Im sorry that she knew what it was before it was opened!!

On the other hand, I LOVE those shirts. They are just too adorable!

Anonymous said...

I ranted too, but you know that already! I'm cracking up at your mama! LOL I'm gonna wring your neck! She's awesome! LOL

That shirt is ADORABLE! I love it!

My grandma used to sing that song to me. And now I'm going to cry, but it's a good cry, I just miss her a lot. It doesn't feel like as many years have gone by as they have - I wish she could have met my kids.

20Birds said...

i love my KA mixer, and after 10 years still going strong through lots of heavy duty mixing...

absolutartist1 said...

Mornin', hon! No blogging for me this morning... Running super-late as usual, and didn't finish the LO I was working on...

Glad your mom was happy! Have a great day! [hugs]