My Layouts

Thursday, December 6, 2007

One more day


Did you happen to catch Oprah yesterday? I don't watch her a lot, but the show is always on at work, the other lady in my office has to have her tv on. Anyway, did you see her show yesterday? She had Mitch Albom on; he wrote the books Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People you'd like to meet in Heaven. His newest book, One More Day Oprah produced into a made for tv movie that will be on Sun. night. Now I haven't read it yet. I've picked it up a few times, but not in a place where I can do that right now. Basically it's about a guy who didn't have the greatest relationship with his mother and after she dies, he's about to commit suicide but she's back for one more day. It's all about making sure that you don't leave things unsaid or have regrets when you lose someone. She then had the widow of the guy who wrote the book Don't Sweat the Small Stuff on. He died very unexpectedly at age 45. His wife read or had Oprah read love letters that he had written his wife. One of them talked about if you only had 1 hour left who he wouldn't call - his lawyer, acct. stockbroker, insurance agent etc... No one ever said that they wish they'd been less generous or that they'd spend less time with their kids or families when they were on their death bed. It was a pretty powerful show. I subscribe to the belief that when it's your time to go, it doesn't matter how it happens, it will happen. And if you're lucky enough to be in a bad spot and you get through it, then it wasn't your time. And then I get home and the news about the Omaha shooting is on and it just crushes me. Right before the holidays, I just can't fathom it. And then this morning on the Today show, they're interviewing survivors and people who work at the mall. Their lives will never be the same again. So I guess the theme behind today is Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all small stuff. Don't have the regrets and wish you had one more day to tell those you love how much they mean to you and how much you love them. Don't hold a grudge, forgive and forget. Will it all matter 5 years from now? What about 5 months from now? Smile more, laugh more, love more.

Thank you all for stopping by to read my daily rants. The friends I have made in the scrapping community lift my spirits and increase my self worth. You are special to me and I just want you to know that I appreciate all of you. Scrap happy!


Kristine said...


I love swinging by here because you realy know how to break it down and put things in perspective ie: small stuff.... I hadn't watched the news and didnt hear about Omaha until I came to your blog...I'll be glued to the TV today to find out what is going on....

Have a great day and know I'm thinking of you!

Unknown said...

Great insight for today! Thanks for sharing!

Kristine said...


Snuffelupagus.....THAT is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw your elf name!!! Snuffy RAWKS!!!! hehehehehehehehe

Anonymous said...

You are so right...we waste our lives complaining and worrying about silly, unimportant things...I'm aware of that now...a good reminder...thanks for sahring your thoughts ;)
Huge hugs & kisses,

Steph.Gibson said...

Good reminder - it is hard to get distracted by the day to day instead of making each moment precious.

absolutartist1 said...

Mornin'! Although it feels like afternoon! LOL

You're so mushy this mornin' you're gonna' make me cry! Or,... maybe that's the extra dose of hormones in the depo... Ahh - either way back at ya', babe!

Unknown said...

Hey, Diane, thanks for your post today! I completely agree with you. Make time to remember what is important. Yesterday at our marriage enrichment seminar, the chaplain reminded everybody just to tell your loved ones that you love them. Every day. Well, I tell my husband and son that I love them every time we talk on the phone, and every time they leave the house. If something should happen (morbid, I know, but I agree with you, you NEVER know when that time is coming) I want the last thing I said to them to be "I love you."
Because that's what matters.
HAVE A GREAT DAY! And thank you!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful post Diane! (((hugs))) and so true! I didn't get to watch Oprah yesterday - um, actually, I rarely do, but it sounded like a wonderful episode!

And on the cajones...that's actually what I said - but um, I changed it because I wanted to make it rated G. ROFL I said, go get your big boy balls on. LMAO He didn't find that amusing. Tee hee.

Have an awesome day!

Azrood said...

Great advice to live by. I too often find myself sweating all the stuff, the small and big. I have to remind myself all the time not to get worked up over everything or else that's all I'd do. :)

Rachel said...

VERY nice blog today! SO perfect for this time of year!

Rachel said...

Oh...and GO BUCKS!

absolutartist1 said...

OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!! I just got the email letting me know I've been chosen for Gina Miller's CT!!!!!! (Is that enough shouting for you?! LOL)

Kutnkudlys' Kreations said...

I really like the Oprah show! I watched the one she had the other day with the gal that wrote 'Eat, Pray, Love'. What an inspiring show that was too!

Sara E said...

ditto ditto ditto

I loved Oprah yesterday.... I only saw the first half... but, dang... what a wonderful message that we forget every once in a while... I can't wait for the Sunday night movie

Carolyn Albro said...

Amen sweetie, don't sweat the small stuff... and it is all small stuff.

I'm almost ashamed to say this is the first I've heard of the shooting. But truth be told, I've stopped watching tv almost completely. There is so much negativity out there I don't need to see it on tv also. I'm sorry to hear of this event and I'll keep those families in my thoughts.