My Layouts

Friday, December 7, 2007

More Snow

Hi there,
Thank God it's Friday! I sooooo wanted to take a snow day like the kids all got. I still don't understand why 2 inches of new snow will close a school. One of the new great mysteries of life I guess. At least people got some of their brain cells back and remembered how to drive.

edit: I forgot the good news from one of my friends, and then doing my daily blog check of Yen's log I found that she's back and posted good news. I'll let you read it for yourself.

Ok, what' is you're favorite Christmas show? Mine is A Year Without a Santa Claus. You know the one with the Mizer brothers; Heat & Snow. I know it's been on already once this year, but it's gotta be shown again right? I also missed Rudolf and I think Charlie Brown has been on already too. I would think that with the writer's strike here in the states, they would show all of these more than once. Let's hope.

The dogs got me up this morning at 5:30 and I couldn't get back to sleep. So what's the perfect way to pass the time....scrap of course. Here's what I did first thing this morning. I'm not sure it's done, but I ran out of time and posted it as is. I've been such a bad CT member for Heather lately that I wanted to use her Icy Sparkles papers again. I think the snow photos are perfect for that kit. Don't you think?

Fantacy put her new kit Santa's Vintage Suspenders in the OAKS store today. I adore this kit.
Here's yet another pix of Em. I went a little overboard with the snowflake overlay, but I just love em.

Here's a 2 pager I did for my Scrapper's Daily Dose Gig. ChereKaye of O'Chere Designs (OCD) is the featured sponsor for December. I really like this collab kit she did with SaraAmarie, called Fall Frolick. It's perfect for the photos of my brother's family at the Orchard Farm.

I got sidetracked and forgot where I was going with the blog today. I hate when that happens. I had a lot of people comment on yesterday's blog. Thank you, your comments mean the world to me. I hope to be able to continue with the message from the day. Will it matter that the person in front of me cut me off in 5 hours from now. Let it gooooooo.

Enjoy your weekend. I hope that everyone has quality family time and quality me time. Scrap happy!


Anonymous said...

oh oh oh, gotta go check Yen's blog!

Gorgeous layouts! And you're not a bad ct member! I adore you! :o)

And let's see, my favorite Christmas show - I'm silly, it's got to be Rudolph or How the Grinch stole Christmas. Takes me back to my childhood every time.

Lilja said...

Oh, these layouts are gorgeous! I especially like the one with the multitude of snowflakes :-) You can NEVER have too many snowflakes - or glitter - or pink (says my daughter :-)
Love your double pager!

Rachel said...

Oh no-sorry about the snowday! It's snowing like crazy here in Westerville too! I was actually surprised the kids had school, but SO glad they did too! ;) lol

Rachel said...

Oh, and my Favorite Christmas movies are A Christmas Story and It's A Wonderful Life, oh, and White Christmas. Okay-so I'm awful at making up my mind-lol!

PS- I *heart* Yen!

Azrood said...

Great layouts! I love the photo of the first snowfall that captures the snow actually falling!

I love A Christmas Story and the classics like Rudolph and the Grinch. Luckily we have them all DVRed since they come on tv too late for our kids so we get to watch them over and over again.

absolutartist1 said...

Gorgeous LOs!!! I don't have a fav holiday movie because most of them drive me bonkers... maybe I am a little bit Grinch...

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Okay, I adore your layouts, especially the first one with that amazing snowing photo. Wow!

Unknown said...

Hooray for Yen! The little bit of snow we've had has had my connection in knots and I haven't been blogging like I should, or visiting my friends. I'm having fun getting caught up. Love your LO's as always.
Um, really I'm just saying Hi, because I've been kind of out of the loop lately, and I still Luvs ya! Take care and have fun with CATW tomorrow!