My Layouts

Friday, March 21, 2008


So glad it's Friday, even if I do have to work tomorrow. Once again, a short post today. It's been a week since I've done a layout. Between having the kids here, mom staying on an extra day and being sick, I just haven't had the time or energy. I need to find some motivation cuz I've got at least 2 CT layouts to do. I'm waiting for the pics from my SIL from the weekend and the links from SBB. I picked up Ztampf! Liquid kit to scrap those with, with a little help from Amanda who gave me a GC a few weeks ago as a rak. I've been in mega shopping mode instead lately. Last week I got some fab things from the Oscraps sale, the CT appreciation kit and misc. other purchases along with 2 kits from my CT obligiations. Hope Shannon leaves me alone this weekend. Feeling a bit more human. It's progressing from throat to nose to chest, which means it's about run it's course. I hope that everyone else suffering can kick it soon too.

If you celebrate Easter this weekend, happy Easter to you all. May all you photos turn out stunning. Enjoy your weekend.


Kristine said...

Hope teh Easter Bunny is good to you!!! Mwah!

absolutartist1 said...

Tell Shannon he has to go buy you an Easter basket with all the trimmings... maybe that'll get him out of the way long enough to scrap a few LOs! LOL

I'm hoping to finish up ADSR #7 tonight. I wanted to last night, but I forgot Mike had a fantasy draft that went 'til 8pm, and my wrist started KILLING me on the way home. Shooting pains in my hand and arm like you wouldn't believe. I have a dead bone in my wrist so it kind of acts like a cross btwn arthritis and carpal tunnel...

Anywho - Happy Easter if I don't catch you again before Sunday! [hugs]

Barb said...

You need a really nice, solid Dove dark chocolate bunny and some time alone to scrap and bite the ears off! Happy Easter, Diane!